Breaking News: Another Heights Bank Heist!

BHB newshound Claude Scales reports:

Another bank job? About half an hour ago, I was walking on Montague and found police putting up yellow tape around Washington Mutual at the corner of Montague and Henry. They were also closing Henry at that corner, and a police car was blocking Montague at Clinton. There was a red armored car, with no driver inside, sitting diagonally as if making a turn from Montague to Henry.

Sure enough, Gothamist newsmap has a call for a bank robbery at 10:48 am today at 129 Montague Street.

Could this be another hit by the Fake Bomber

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  • webster

    I keep waiting for the “fool me once…fool me twice…” factor to set in, but it looks like these bandits are somehow allowed to let lightning strike at will.

    Hm. Now I wish I could remember that funny Bush “won’t get fooled again” quote.

  • webster

    Geez. Looks like someone robbed the Ben & Jerry’s on Atlantic just an hour later:

    What is this place, the wild west?

  • M. Hermann

    Ben & Jerry’s was an armed robbery, guy took about $900. WaMu was our usual friend with the dummy box left behind.

  • wayne

    wait, where does wamu keep the money? i thought it was all ATMs in wamu…

  • Claude Scales

    Just a theory: there was, as I mentioned above, an armored car near the bank. Perhaps the robber waited for the cash delivery, and pulled off the heist while the cash was being unloaded from the car and carried into the bank.

  • Lee

    I like banking at Wamu, but the staff at the Montague branch are LAZY and NOT FRIENDLY. A lot of times they hide in the back or just ignore you when the branch is EMPTY. Make this robbery will serve as a wake up call.

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  • webster

    You are not going to believe this, but *ANOTHER* nearby bank was robbed today, this time right down Court Street at the Citibank at Court Street between Carrol Street and 1st Place.

    Whaddya wanna bet it’s the same bandito.

    Un. Real.

  • webster


  • http://BHB Matia

    wamu is a very good bank that care about the customers thats why i bank at the Montague Street Financial Center, I don’t quite agree with Lee, the employees are very nice and friendly and they care a great deal about the customers. I don’t wish robbery on anyone for any thing,

  • Brian

    I do my commercial banking at WAMU on Montague and Henry and they treat me well. (Of course, patronizing them only encourages them, but it’s hard to say no to free biz checking.)

  • Lee

    I agree w/ Brian and Matia that Wamu is a decent bank (much better than Citibank or Chase). However, the staff at the Montague St. branch is really lethargic. Unlike the (much busier) branch on Court St., the employees here always seem to be in a daze, even though they handle a fraction of the volume of business.

    Biggest beef: The employees NEVER say “thank you.” I call it a lucky day if they tell me to “have a good one” after handing over my receipt.