Tomorrow’s the Day for a Stroll and a Smooch

Reader AEB informs us that May 1 is Czech National Public Kissing Day, during which osculation under the branches of a cherry tree will “strengthen a bond.” So, convince your Significant Other, or one whom you aspire to have as your S.O., to take a stroll to the north end of the Promenade, and then…

Update: the ever helpful AEB gives us a link to a video of Kissing Day in Prague here.

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  • Publius

    I’ll czech it out.

  • hoppy

    Great idea for those who hope to make Prague-ress in their relationships

  • AEB

    You might want to czech this out too, Pubius and all others:

    (My suggestion is, of course, that we institute our own kissing-day celebration, to take place beneath the Ektachromes at our own shrine d’amour, Great Wall.)