Open Thread Wednesday

What’s on your mind? Comment away!

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  • Mike Suko

    What to do? A question subject to a hundred (per person) follow-ups … and answers changing, sometimes, it seems, every few minutes.

    What have you heard about (lucky ?) people who have left BH and NYC more generally? What are the pros & cons?

    Is shelter-in-place coming? Is it a good idea? What would it look like?

    And the only non-question from me – STAY SAFE & well & as sane as possible, all!

  • Jorale-man

    I don’t know of anyone who has left NYC. That said, one advantage we have in the Heights is the neighborhood isn’t as dense as other parts of the city so it’s theoretically possible to keep once’s distance from others a bit more if you have to go out for something. Even so, I plan to do any grocery shopping at early hours to avoid others as much as possible.

  • Mr=3Y[<X99uqW~kkBIMEC~(xs5r-p'

    Can we get a list of stores in the area that have early hours for seniors?

    I called the three key food stores around here yesterday and they said no to senior hours.

    Stop and shop has them starting tomorrow and Target every Wednesday, but what else?


    And stay six feet away.

  • Mike Suko

    Which is easier said than done. How nuts can, should, MUST we go? BBP should probably institute one way traffic on foot-paths, but they probably won’t. It would be great if NYC had a “health tsar,” because the NYT story today about what testing (for a NYT staffer, likely to get as good handling as possible) reiterates: We have world-class hospitals, but they haven’t yet transitioned from cosmetic surgery … and infusions and other high margin “services” to what’s needed NOW. For Brooklynites, the picture on that front is far, far worse.

    There was a British MD who bemoaned what 20+ years of Cons. govts there have done by way of “hollowing out” their NHS. With Bklyn’s population at record levels, the LICH closing is obviously looking like a top-10 terrible decision. FWIW, many bemoaned it at the time! It’s not about being “entitled” – it’s about NOT GREAT hospitals nearby definitely not equal to the challenge of handling 3 or 4 additional neighborhood’s emergency needs.

  • Mr=3Y[<X99uqW~kkBIMEC~(xs5r-p'

    What does your answer have to do with my question?

    Stay on topic.

  • Mike Suko

    You ended with a pretty whiny “6 feet separation” reference. Things like “senior hours” are a nicety – yes, I’d qualify for them.

    “Nice” will be gone by the weekend, maybe, sooner.

    GET REAL. That’s even more important than “staying on topic.”

  • Mike Suko

    A very strong commendation for this bit of reading – happens to end on an up note, but its value lies in preparing us for “the new normal!” It talks of both Milan and Rome, so don’t for a second think – in spite of the lead photo – that it’s about “tourist Italy.”

  • Heightsman

    Interested to see Heights Casino open. People going in and working out, playing tennis, etc. How are they exempt?

  • Claire Walker-Wells

    Does anyone know of any at-risk neighbors in BH that might need someone to pick up prescriptions or groceries? I would be happy to help, but I’m not sure who needs assistance.

  • Claire Walker-Wells

    Or if any parents need a babysitter now that schools are closed?

  • SongBirdNYC

    Contact the Montague BID, this might be something they an suggest/enforce? The person you want to talk to is Kate Chura, Or maybe work with Toba Pototsky who is the President of the Tenant Association at 101 Clark. He’s also the President of the Cadman Plaza Conservancy. He is about to run for Steve Levin’s City Council seat. I can reach out to him and float the idea…

  • SongBirdNYC

    NO….having civil discourse when people are genuinely concerned and thinking of their neighbor is JUST as important as staying on topic. NICE does not have to be gone. Maybe it should start with you? Keep your comments to a minimum, stay on topic and back up your comments with actual facts please. I say this as someone who writes for the blog. Your tone is condescending and hostile. Consider this your first reminder of our code of conduct.

  • KXrVrii1

    Look, Mr=3Y[ is absolutely correct, Mike Suko’s response had nothing to do with his comment.

    And I’m not sure what is so whiny about the six foot comment, I think that is recommended advice?

    That said, Mr=3Y[ should just resign himself to the rambling posts of Mr. Suko. Every once in a while, they will make sense, and you will be pleasantly surprised.

    PS – Is there anyone else who is pretty sure that Mr. Suko has at least one sock pocket on this blog, based on meandering writing style, USE OF ALL CAPS, and other similar things?

  • SongBirdNYC

    Yes, we suspect he has more than one moniker.

  • Mike Suko

    Hey. We’re all (well, me for sure) trying to think about our neighbors – as well as ourselves and our loved ones!

    And yes, our nerves are frayed and fraying. I may have over-reacted to what sounds like what there is too much around here – well, I’ll pull my punches and say that it’s heavy on “But this is SO inconvenient.”

    We’re all trying to “figure this out” – the tug-a-war between concerns about health and everything else is more than most politicians can get their heads around. (E.g., what about people now in jails?)

    I began the day with nothing but questions. I know that most are unanswerable, but a bossy “Language!” is not really a sensible response to “Bleep it – the house is on fire!”

  • Arch Stanton

    I left NYC, staying at my second home upstate, till this is over. Much easier to avoid human contact around here, in fact, you pretty much have to go out of your way to have any. However, the supermarkets are ransacked for the panic buy items as everywhere else.
    Stay safe folks,

  • Andrew Porter

    I went to CVS and Key Food on Montague yesterday afternoon. I am, frankly, not a morning person. Unnerved by all the kids in CVS, out of school and accompanying parents in the store.

    I waited at the pharmacy dept., keeping a safe distance, and someone scooted in front of me, as if I wasn’t already on line. Tapped them on the shoulder, pointed out I was on line, with several people behind me.

    Key had tape marked on the sidewalk as an area to line up to get into the store. They allowed four people in at a time. I found everything I needed: juice, bread.

  • Andrew Porter

    The Brooklyn Folk Festival is moving to the Fall, from the original early April dates:

  • BrooklynHeightzer

    This too shall pass.

  • Grace Court Jester

    Good news, looks like Keyfoods changed their policy. Got an email from Stephen Levin:

    Grocery Stores with special hours for seniors:
    Key Food at 130 7th Ave – 6:30 am – 7:30 am
    Key Food at 169 Atlantic Ave – 7:00 am – 9:00 am
    Key Food at 492 Myrtle Ave – 6:30 am – 7:30 am
    Stop and Shop at 625 Atlantic Ave – 6:00 am – 7:30 am

  • aconcernedneighbor

    They’re rich!

  • Mr=3Y[

    Great news Jester!

    Thank you and Levin.

    I think all of these keyfoods are owned by Man-Dell Foods INC.

    Hopefully, the other Keyfood on Montague and Henry Street in Carroll gardens follow through with similar hours for seniors and needy folks (disabled + pregnant).

  • Mr=3Y[

    I went to Keyfood on Montague yesterday also. Got there early too. Had to wait on line to get in.

    Everybody lined up close together, but I told the person to spread the line out, people did.

    By the time I was at the checkout line the place was crowded. They had no chicken or boxed pasta.

    Couldn’t wait to leave. People coughing and blowing their nose, could be allergies or not? Told the guy waiting in back of me on the checkout line, not to be up my rear end.

    When I left the store people were lined up close together to get in again. Oopsie…