Open Thread Wednesday

What’s on your mind? Comment away!

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  • Banet

    Apparently a bicyclist was struck by a driver last week (Thursday?) on the corner of Remsen and Hicks. Does anyone know the details? How serious was it?

    Mainly I’m curious as to whether the driver was making a right turn from Hicks on to Remsen. People take that turn much too fast and without enough attention to pedestrians in the crosswalk (or possibly, apparently, to a cyclist on their right).

  • MaggieO

    Crossing Hicks at that intersection is also scary. I’ve often wondered why there’s no crosswalk marking on the street, stop sign, or traffic light there.

  • Banet

    I’ve discussed it with the BHA. Apparently there are DOT rules about where crosswalks go. They’re actively exploring a streetlight for that corner I believe (Which will make it safer but lead to inevitable honking. A stop sign will be quieter but will lead to more accidents as people run the stop sign.)

  • Teresa

    Several volunteers and I are working to spay/neuter/socialize the cats in Brooklyn Bridge Park, and we are on a feeding schedule that will help us trap them. There are signs up asking other people not to feed, and I beg you, if you are one of the “rogue feeders” (said with a smile), to please stop. Satiated cats don’t go in traps. :)

    If you’re interested in helping, you can get in touch with me at Thanks!

  • Heights Guy 68

    Have there been any studies done regarding property values decreasing on Joralemon? It really seems to be a different neighborhood, there. I walk by there all the time. It’s quiet street, quiet street, then Joralemon, where it seems to be all of Brooklyn walking through, making noise, kicking soccer balls, bouncing basketballs, riding their bikes up and on sidewalks….

  • Andrew Porter

    Claude, I saw that pumpkin Tuesday, on Hicks. Who are the people who buy those enormous pumpkins and then schlep them home, to sit on their stoops? And what are stores thinking; do they think their customers have fork-lift trucks (though I guess these people did)?

  • Michael

    Is anyone aware of a music jam session for Brooklyn heights people?

  • Jorale-man

    A speed bump there would be another good addition (and at least a couple on Henry too – drivers treat the stretch from Montague to State as their personal race course). I’m sure that has to go through a whole series of steps with the DOT at any rate.

  • Banet

    There’s already a bump on Hicks just before Grace Court just before Remsen so I doubt they’ll be able to get another added so close. I’ve discussed it with a PHA, there are a long list of rules as to where the bumps are allowed to be. They can’t be within a certain distance of fire zones, they can’t be within a certain distance of fire hydrants, they can’t be within a certain distance of one another, etc. The current distribution accounts for all of that and there may not be room for many more.

  • Jorale-man

    Ah good to know. Glad it’s been considered at least.

  • BHP

    Everyone who doesn’t want a highway on the Promenade, please make sure you’ve signed up here:

  • Teresa

    I’m a New York Rangers season subscriber, but I can’t make it to all the games, so I sell some throughout the season. Little to no mark-up beyond face value. Two seats in section 222 on the aisle. E-mail if you’re interested.

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