Open Thread Wednesday

What’s on your mind? Comment away!

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  • Rich Guy

    For the third time in as many weeks. We were roused from sleep by fire trucks in the middle of the night on Willow Street. These fancy tricked out townhouses have fire alarms that falsely send trucks screaming over. These richy rich types should have to pay a huge fine for these false alarms. Why should our tax dollars be wasted on such nonsense. How about 10k to start with. Our firemen dont need to be wasting time on this crap. These same disgusting people have turned our quiet streets into construction war zones. You really never see the residents. Just the nonstop brigade of service men, gardners and the like.

  • Andrew Porter

    The day after the election means it’s time for political analysis of the results. But the heck with that—it’s time for More Old BH Postcards!!!

    Here is the first of several showing the Hotel St. George. Here it is in the days before it fronted on Henry Street. At the right is the back of the 60 Pineapple Street building. At left is where the disastrous fire started in 1987. That building no longer exists.

  • Andrew Porter

    We should do away with the fire department! How dare they disturb our sleep with their really loud sirens! How stupid that the FD responds to all alarms, real and false! We should let a few of those places burn down, just to show their owners who’s in charge! We’re mad as heck and we’re not gonna take this any more!

    On the other hand…

    (And I note that Rich Guy has the courage to post under his own name.)

    And if you think those are loud, wait until the renovation of the Towers Hotel starts…

  • Reggie

    Folks, he’s still a-watchin’ on Willow Street (for those who remember Jeffrey’s original nom de non-sens).

  • Arch Stanton

    A troll by any other name…

  • Andrew Porter

    New plans for 67 Livingston Street will make it even more intrusive. Article on Curbed:

    Where I commented, “I had friends living next door, at 59, when this place went up. Technically it’s not in the BH Landmarked area, hence it could be built as tall as it was. It was a sliver—remember those? It was built as an apartment building, then sold to the Witnesses shortly after completion.

    “My friends were horrified when their living room windows were bricked over. They moved out shortly afterwards.”

  • gc

    Don’t often find myself agreeing with Jeffrey but I’m also fed up with the new entitled crowd that is slowly taking over the Heights. I know the response will be something like … “get used to it”, but it’s really disheartening to watch our neighborhood torn up by their thoughtless self interest.

  • Teresa

    After much too long away from regular exercise, I recently joined Xtend Barre on Remsen. Life-changing. Love it. Great workout, and the people there–staff and instructors–are terrific. Friendly, professional, skilled.

  • Banet

    Jack the Horse Tavern… I’m thinking of going tomorrow night for the first time in maybe 3 years. I used to be a regular back in 2009 but it’s been awhile.

    Any recent experiences? According to Yelp the service has become decidedly uneven but I’m more concerned about the food. What do people think?

  • Arch Stanton

    Was there a couple of months ago, all was excellent as usual.
    Also, had a good experience at Armando’s the other night, they seem to be picking up on their game again…

  • Jeffrey Smith

    Well, the central reality of the Heights today is that many of the key older elite, many of which were strongly connected with key London Banks, have either died off or to a much extent live at multiple locations. So the central drive mechanism of what made the Heights what it was, made it necessary that officialdom could not allow things to go past a certain point, has crashed. Now you only have the stragglers of the upper house of the casino and what remains of the once huge Heights gifted community. So what you now have an invasion of ultra rich and upper level income yuppies, both of which have no understanding of the real consequences of policy making by well, Regina Myers types…..

  • ykwthis…

    Well, Willow Street contains two family residences, so, excuse me if we have strong concern and keep conditions the under careful watch. And the moment someone states that there is a limit to what they allow, the verbal abuse and other nonsense starts…too bad, there’s things were not going to allow….

  • Jeffrey Smith

    I realize this was the focus of a article and posted comments, but the terrible assault and humiliation of a woman by a pack of animals at State St remain a subject of profound and powerful concern of many I meet in recent days. Given that we have had repeated very serious violent crimes in the last few years, many by roving groups of youths often joined with young adults, it’s time to institute a fund to prompt people to come forward with the kind of vital information to identify and bring to justice those responsible. These funds have been a big factor nation wide in stopping repeated violent crimes especially against women.

  • AEB

    Claude, surely there must be an BHB rule concerning the same person posting under multiple names. It strikes me as a form of abuse of use.

  • AEB

    Here’s the rule:

    “Posting under more than two usernames repeatedly will lead to your comments automatically being placed into moderation…..”

  • Jeffrey Smith

    This is really amazing. Were talking about stopping the brutalization of women on the streets. And we have someone who wants to fixate on what? exact blog structure? When we have gangs brutalizing women in the streets? WOW. But it is revealing that this kind of poster never uses their real name and of course, you don’t even know that they are an actual resident of the Heights. Just that for some reason they strongly want to get attention away for a serious proposal of substance to stop incidents like this really dangerous incident..

  • Arch Stanton

    It’s because YOU brutalize everyone here with your bias tone, paranoia and nonsensical conspiracies.

  • Rich Guy

    I think my point was missed. To wit 70 willow. 15 m house. Another 10 in endless horrid construction and they cant figure out how to get an alarm working. Its a waste of resources. The owner of that place got jacked by the contractors. I mean for his 20 mill. Next to a dumpy looking jail of a bldg he could have bought the jh towers and lived on the top 3 floors. The views etc. from towers must be spectacular. that house is the most overated place in all of The city. You could not give away an old barn like that anywhere else.

  • Jeffrey Smith

    I brutalize people?!? Ye God’s, this is a classic moment even in the BH (large) partial madhouse. Comments like this, folks, is exactly why you can’t take a big portion of what goes on in blogland seriously….but let’s get back to the central issue, do you feel that what occured in this gang attack on this woman and the probability that the will get away Scott free, er do you think that’s serious and what do You propose we do about it as a community?

  • Arch Stanton

    “Well, Willow Street contains two family residences”
    And at least one SRO…

  • Arch Stanton

    Honestly, while it was an unfortunate event I don’t think it requires any further action unless someone has additional information to report. However, In the last few weeks many people have been randomly mass murdered by perpetrators closely matching your demographic… That’s much more of a concern.

  • Jeffrey Smith

    Even I can’t believe what I just read. Even if this poster is not some kind of A.I. text generation, which is what this reads like, the incident of a woman being beaten and publicly humiliated doesn’t require further action? Also, what I am proposing is exactly to unearth the information we need to bring these animals to justice. And let’s see, people matching my demographic are a greater concern than a vicious street gang who just beat up a woman in our community?!?

    Tell you what, I’d like to hear from the average BH resident does he take exception/is outraged by this gang of violent cretins roaming the Heights or the personage of Jeffrey Smith…

    Again, either discuss my proposal or let’s get back to other genuine Heights issues

  • StudioBrooklyn

    Does Jeffrey Smith deny that he is a white supremacist? Does Jeffrey Smith deny that he is a neonazi? Does Jeffrey Smith believe in the superiority of one phenotype/ethnicity of human beings over all others?

    If not, these views would make you, Jeffrey Smith, a much bigger concern to the residents of this neighborhood (or any other) than this particular incident of crime which merely fits into a larger unfortunate pattern that can be tied to any number of contemporary urban socioeconomic phenomena specific to New York City and is therefore best addressed at that level—as opposed to, say, a roving patrol of one or two cranky old men who definitely do not carry mobile phones.

  • Jeffrey Smith

    First, may I ask if I am addressing a a male or female person?
    It is difficult to properly frame my response with proper tact without, well in any case, this rant is both amazing and a rare pure example of the kind of shrill psychobabble some political sectors engage in when they desperately dont want to answer or even have an issue heard. All I ask is that people respond to the observations and proposals I made. But at least, look, stick to BH related issues and not personalities. And I think that further responding to posts like this is not in the interests of this forum. Please stick to BH related issues and observed conditions….

  • StudioBrooklyn

    I will happily tell you whether I am female or male only once you have taken the opportunity to confirm or deny the descriptions of your views we are trying to ascertain. (This will hopefully also put an end to any misconceptions of you we may hold that color our reactions to your commentary.)

    I will add that my questions are indeed pertinent to neighborhood issues because, as Arch suggested, the notion of whether we are sharif our neighborhood with someone who wants some of us dead or otherwise marginalized on the basis of the arbitrary characteristics of our birth is of immense concern, at least as pressing as the violent incident you mentioned.

  • Jeffrey Smith

    Ok, we have come to an impasse.
    I cant further converse with a viewpoint which equates a suspected ideology with violent street attacks against women in our community. I suggest others for the moment, carry forward the conversation. As long as it stops focusing on a person and resumes general community concerns/issues.

  • StudioBrooklyn

    No, we equate your suspected ideology with at least six million murders between 1933 and 1945 alone (including the murders of my own ancestors). Please set the record straight for us about whether our suspicions are correct; I for one don’t want to misunderstand you. I think that would be unfair.

    Listen, Jeff, if you had just come on here years ago and only talked about car paint and rockabilly, then yeah we could all be vigilante buddies and fight crime together.

    But instead you’ve been open about your role in distributing white nationalist propaganda to children, and you’ve made rather overt statements suggesting that orders of human beings exist in a natural hierarchy. I’m sorry but those views are incompatible with the moral authority you’d need to come righteously or cleanly to any crime scenario in modern day USA.

    Not all my views reflect popular opinion either, but like the vast majority of the world I openly and happily accept the overwhelming evidence we’ve had from both science and history that the value of human life cannot be ascribed to the arbitrary circumstances of one’s birth or genetics. If you think you’d be capable of civilly discussing this in person, let me know, and perhaps we can do so over coffee sometime. Until then, unfortunately, your views WILL be met with the revulsion and hostility they appropriately deserve.

  • Jeffrey Smith

    Again, we need to focus on BH related matters of wide public concern. Not on personalities or personal reactions to one another. We just had a major violent crime, part of a mounting wave of violent disorders which the Heights is (now) almost totally unprotected due to the historic major changes we have recently had in this community. And we should what? Argue among ourselves?

    Please put your idioelogy, and I ask ethnicity, aside and let’s think and act in the interests of the Heights as a whole.

  • Andrew Porter

    You can also flag their comment, and go directly to Disqus. Also, you can downvote as well as upvote comments.

  • Andrew Porter

    Vigilante justice!