Open Thread Wednesday

What’s on your mind? Comment away!

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  • Banet

    “Don’t we need the compostable trash in the landfill? Seems like it would help decompose the other trash, back to it’s natural state.”

    Absolutely not. That’s the whole point. Anything that CAN decompose in a reasonable amount of time is compostable and can yield tremendous energy and dramatically reduce the amount of landfill needed.

    The “other trash” as you call it, can’t decompose. It’s generally plastic, metal, ceramics, mixed materials, treated woods… things that will still be there in recognizable form 50 years from now.

  • Jorale-man

    Hey, I’m with you on both of those grievances. Or beyond smokers’ willingness to freely pollute, how about the simple fact that they’ll walk down the sidewalk as they pursue their addiction, forcing others to breath it in. I’ve become adept at holding my breath when I see the telltale cloud hovering over them from afar.

  • bpelle

    Not when you include the resources used to build, maintain and fuel the trucks as well as resources needed to sustain the workers who could be used for higher productivity activities. You’d also need to maintain the same rate of pickup (with a separate fleet of trucks) to prevent a surge in the rat population and the associated strain on the healthcare system.

  • GHB

    I agree! And what about the cigar smokers? They can stink up the entire block, and it takes a while to dissipate. That guy Charlie on Clark/Columbia Hts? Not only stinks up the block but leaves his old stogies in the gutter for others to clean up!

  • Banet

    While cities transition I expect you’re right that there will be some additional cost to maintaining a larger fleet and larger crews. But once the system settles in those costs go away.

    First, cities that have been doing this awhile have vehicles that take compost in one section of the truck and paper recycling in another section. So they don’t need any additional trucks.

    Second, as people compost more (remember, compostable material is a full 33% of NYC trash) their regular trash will reduce in volume. This means that the city can go to 2x or 1x a week pickup instead of the 3x/week we currently have. For those who are concerned about having to keep trash around longer, remember, the regular trash won’t smell because it won’t have much, if any, food waste in it.

    Finally, ultimately the same volume of trash is being thrown out so no additional staff or vehicles should be needed.

    Bottom line, change can be hard and transitions can be bumpy. But this will ultimately benefit the environment as well as save the city (and therefore every tax payer) real money.

  • Jorale-man

    Yes, that cigar guy seems to be clamoring for attention. Yuck!

  • Stink

    Dont worry i wont be anywhere near the Tuesday compost bin because I am not wasting my time sorting any more garbage and will never use it. The people in other neighborhoods dont recycle and put garbage out 7 days a week with total impunity. The city only pulls this garbage utopia bull&&&& in wealthy areas. They simply dont enforce it in other areas. Its a ruse to further tax our neighborhood.

  • Speakeasy

    I am much more concerned about the high particulate level of soot and brake dust, car exhaust etc than a little tobacco smoke.

  • Jorale-man

    Running to Pier 6 in Brooklyn Bridge Park this morning I noticed that construction crews have begun the excavation for the first skyscraper there. Has this been settled in court yet? Or are they trying to get construction started before a judge puts a stop to it (as we saw at Pier 1)? If the latter, I’d hope the news media reports on this. CC: Claude

  • Yeoman

    Have they caught the people that robbed the jewelry store on Court Street earlier this week?

  • Andrew Porter

    Sorry I’ve ben remiss in running old BH postcards. Sometimes I get overwhelmed by e-mails and keeping up with events.

    Here’s the Church of the New Jerusalem, torn down by Robert Moses. How ironic that this is now the site of Congregation Mt. Sinai!

  • Andrew Porter

    Here is the lobby of 52 Clark Street, when it was an apartment hotel. The floor included American Indian swastika designs. Several years ago the wonderful decor was destroyed and replaced with generic white tiles. Click on image for full size view!

  • Andrew Porter

    You could always line it with a paper Trader Joe’s bag, which will decompose along with the smelly contents.

  • Andrew Porter

    There is also a food scrap donation site run by the GrowNYC program, at the Borough Hall Green Market. Donations are accepted on Thursdays from 8am-2pm, and Saturdays from 8am to 4pm.

  • Andrew Porter

    I understand that by number, cigarette butts and filters are the most common form of litter.

  • Cranberry Beret

    I asked a worker about this and they said they’re doing pre-construction testing for foundation work