Open Thread Wednesday

What’s on your mind? Comment away!

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  • Arch Stanton

    LOL that was a funny typo but grasping at spelling errors does not make your argument any stronger. Oh and by the way, my autocorrect is turned off.
    I didn’t call you a weak minded person. I said the solution of lessening the courts sounded like a weak-minded idea, which it is, as are most rush to ban or limit something schemes.
    And talk about Irony, you say my solution sounds expensive yet you want to convert the BB courts to something else and demand more police presence. You know all that ain’t cheap either.

  • StudioBrooklyn

    Concerned and I have a rapport despite our disagreements, which I hope other commenters do too. I try to keep in mind that on here I’m usually addressing my neighbors and not just some anonymous person in another part of the world.

  • Concerned

    LOL. You named her by initials so as not to “out” her. She is a TV star that you have spoken with at the Pierrepont park. She’s very “patriotic”…

  • StudioBrooklyn

    Oh yeah!! Totally forgot…haven’t seen her in a long time. But, you know, haven’t been paying very careful attention either.

  • Roberto

    The CEO receives about $50,000/day and the chumps get their change. Verizon workers offers a take-it-or-leave-it schedule that mandates assignment to Massachusetts or another state even if the employee lives in NYC.

  • Concerned

    Respectfully, I disagree. The issue doesn’t seem to be with availability of courts. Conversely, do you think that the problem we’re having with the violence at the courts would lessen if we ADDED courts? I don’t think so.
    The issue is with large groups of teenagers, many disenfranchised, having a gathering spot where they are unchecked. Malls across America have dealt with this situation and have implemented measures to deter large groups gathering that trouble is attracted to. Which goes to my point that this is NOT a black and white thing. It is a dumb teenager thing. But some of these teenagers are very hardened and have access to guns, which is a big problem for anyone who wants to enjoy the park.

  • Concerned

    Thanks Greg. This blog is a great place for the neighborhood and civil discourse is SO important. My personal opinion is that passionate but civil discourse is the best way for issues to get solved. Sometimes that puts me at odds with many on this blog, but I try to stay respectful. Most of the time, I feel the respect is mutual. SB is always respectful and thoughtful, despite out different views. What I do know is that everyone on this blog cares about the neighborhood.

  • Concerned

    The typo was funny. As far as expense, give me a contractor with a chainsaw and some spray paint and I could take care of the courts and the new space it creates. The chainsaw could cut down the hoops, the spray paint for new games on the concrete to play. It’s that easy.

  • StudioBrooklyn

    Not sure about corporate but the signage on the Pierhouse construction perimeter fence no longer bears the tag line “A Natural Evolution”.

  • neighboronhicks

    This whole string of posts is a shameful representation of a bigoted view that belies the general hospitable nature of our neighborhood. Equating teens playing basketball with violence is exactly why Donald Trump is a danger to this country and our way of life. Move to Texas, if you’re so “concerned.” The bocce courts are fun.

  • Concerned

    I never have been and I never will be a supporter of Trump or his policies. But what I do truly believe is that people like you push some moderates to consider supporting Trump. Your reading of bigotry into all these posts is one of the biggest problems with the important civil discourse in this country and people are sick of it. There are people pulling guns, there are nasty bloody brawls all around a park that people are bringing their children to. And all you want to do is talk about race. It’s so sad because people are scared to talk about these real issues because people like you might try to ruin them by calling them a racist. It’s even worse because there are so many real issues of racism going on.

  • HereToStay

    There is nothing bigoted about this. You have to react to the facts — and just pretending everything will be fine does not suffice. And LOL! You are bringing Trump into this? Well, since you did, I’ll say that I have worked for Trump in the past and although not the most articulate, he is a stand-up guy. Almost everything he has said has been twisted by the press and is not true. He is NOT a racist and only wants to stop ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION, which we all should. We should welcome others here that have gone through the system!

  • neighboronhicks

    so many handles, such the same voice! the words on the page belie the bigotry.

  • Concerned

    If you think “Concerned” is the same person as “Heretostay” or a banned user who shall not be named, you’re absolutely wrong. Read my posts and point out one bigoted thing I say. I’m curious as to how you interpret what I’m saying as bigotry. Moreover, I’d really like to know how you suggest I can bring up community safety without sounding “bigoted” to you.

  • Arch Stanton

    If as you say, availability isn’t the issue, than reducing the number of courts would likely make it an issue.

  • Arch Stanton


  • Arch Stanton

    What’s even funnier is your lacking knowledge of tools and paint, LOL.

  • Concerned

    1) the issue is with large crowds, NOT court availability, and 2) if you all have that little faith that these basketball players won’t be able to control themselves for even more reasons, then I agree with you in that we should get rid of ALL the courts. Thanks for supporting my argument.

  • Concerned

    Yeah, I did better in latin than shop class…

  • StudioBrooklyn

    …which is good because it’s NOT a f€cking natural evolution.

  • StudioBrooklyn Columbia Heights closed off after scaffolding collapse from today’s winds. Was anybody hurt? Saw lots of fire trucks responding.

  • StoptheChop

    The original design, iirc, had terraces that were supposed to be like a vertical extension of the park. The actual result couldn’t be more in-your-face…..

  • Mary

    We’ve had this problem for the last few years in Cadman park. Groups set up incredibly loud speaker systems and start ‘checking’ sometimes hours before the event. Some relief lately (thanks to Robert,

    But neither the park system nor police enforce noise limits as outlined by DEP and NYC Parks (see their sites). DEP caps decibels to 42d as measured from inside residences for “bars and restaurants” (I haven’t found park limits but this seems increasingly analogous), and Parks to “No person shall make…unreasonable noise.. so as to cause public inconvenience, annoyance or harm..” The codes need to be updated tp address the universal increase in permit event noise.

  • Mary

    And don’t forget the choppers! Argh..

  • Diesel

    Yup, they pulled the ole “bait and switch” routine, You “humans” fall for it every time.