Open Thread Wednesday

What’s on your mind? Comment away!

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  • AEB

    Question: where can I have keys made in the nabe? I’m in the north Heights, so preferably nearby.


  • StudioBrooklyn

    And where would “anyone” find information about when/where these events take place?


    Not so close, but not very remote: I had a successful cut at Bruno’s Hardware on Court St. across from Barnes and Noble.

  • AEB

    Thanks so much. Have you any idea whether Variety Mart on Montague makes keys?

  • AEB

    Never mind–just called them and they do. Thanks anyway for your help!

  • Jeff Smith for President 2016!

    It’s MR. smith and everybody in BH, or at least everyone active here, knows who JS is.


    Ok, have no clue what you’re talking about. I read the comments here about once or twice a month – and have commented twice in the last 5 years.

  • Jeffrey Smith

    Uh, why should You have to prove anything to this crowd? Hey, let the accusers prove who THEY are! Tell them to identify themselves…
    Rock throwers should unmask here…..and the more they are obnoxious, banal or assaultive, the more they should have to unmask!!!

  • Andrew Porter

    It turns out I have three photos that show these, but if I post them here, the ever-vigilant Theresa will delete them because I don’t know where I swiped them off the Internet from. Perhaps you could contact me via Claude Scales?

    Here’s one of them: catch it before it’s gone!

  • Andrew Porter

    You can always Flag the comment as inappropriate. Disqus will look at it, judge whether or not it’s appropriate. If not, they will delete it.

    You can also Downvote the comment, using the downward thing next to the Upvote one.

    I think that Claude Scales is so busy trying to keep the BHB alive, some things, like selling ads, have gotten lost in the shuffle. The loss of all the passwords when Homer died suddenly are a blow the BHB has still not recovered from. Claude, I feel your pain…

  • Andrew Porter

    The Russian guy in the St. George Arcade also does this, I believe.

  • Jeffrey Smith

    Imagine the comments I could flag….the dilberate postings of false history on me. The reveling in my almost having an eye dug out, the not so veilled threats…but censorship or its new internet/yuppoid equivalent is not the American way.

    The real American way is open rebuttal for all to see and decide what is right or wrong. You should know that….!

    And by the way, we lost a lot of incriped data and passcodes once when a key IT guy left a firm I was a director at. We got a good forensic guy to get into our system and retrieve like 89% of what was lost, including a lot of data which was deliberately, many times overwritten(!) so….

  • Jeffrey Smith

    Be VERY careful where you have keys made. Make SURE first your keys are being made on a manual not computerized/automatic system. Any kind of computerized system can KEEP your key shape code in memory!! Anyone can make a copy after you leave the store. And you’ll notice a LOT of locksmith/key making areas have cameras documenting who’s keys are being made. Also, even with manual key making operations, beware the oops I broke, twisted, bent this key…I’ll make a fresh one for you, scam. Unless you demand the “ruined” key, you’re leaving a easily unmangled copy of your key behind!!! And, if you get a medico or other kind of more complex key made, make SURE that the darling making the key does not retain any kind of notation of the, say height and angle of each stage of the medico key!

    Think all this is not true? Well then just ask the key maker for the notation slip he made notes on or the ruined key.

    First you often get the ” well, I’ll have to charge you for it” response. (say, that’s fine, walk out with it and tell all your friends and post on a lot of places your experience with the creep) Or you’ll get the ‘I’m a professional, do you think I’d risk my license?’ line. Ignore it and protect your family…
    Best thing to do is to duplicate keys as FAR from your house as possible.
    As thousands of, ‘he somehow had a key/there’s no sign of forced entry”
    incidents in this city show…

  • Jeffrey Smith

    No personal reflection on any individuals/stores so far named but…make you keys right NEAR your house?….not bright guys!!…

    See my comments, based on long and at times, for the victims, bitter experience.

    Make your keys so as to prevent personal identification and watching for any kind of retention of your key code may be happening….

    And consider changing your lock every year or so….you know, these days, someone gaining access can do a lot more than simply rob you and your family….

    All this is from hard experience…..

  • AEB

    If I mention that I want to buy cat food, Jeffrey, will you provide a thousand words on sourcing, sustainability, possibility of contamination, potentially poisonous label dyes, Dented Can Syndrome, radioactive auras, and etc.?

    Do you not see–but I suppose you can’t–that although it’s usually wise to take precautions, it’s paranoiac to jump immediately to dire scenarios of criminality?

    As it happens, I wanted to make a copy of a key for a Manhattan friends’s apartment. In any case, one shouldn’t live in permanent fear. In my option, you need to moderate.

  • neighboronhicks

    AEB, always a reliable voice of reason in the neighborhood. Your perspective is much appreciated.

  • Arch Stanton

    Wow that’s some profound paranoid phycosis you got going on there Jefferey. I implore you, please get a checkup at Creedmoor.

  • Arch Stanton

    Yeah sure the guy at the Variety Mart is going to duplicate your key and burgle you home. What utter nonsense.

    The only robbery happening at that store is at the cash register.

  • Arch Stanton

    To be clear, raising your hand at a public hearing and getting picked to speak is not the same as a “featured and guest speaker”

  • Arch Stanton

    I would check the bulletin board at the Bellevue Psych Ward.

  • AEB

    Thank you kindly, neighboronhicks. But I have no art–I just do what I can.

  • AEB

    Providing the link–just the best. Spit all over my computer….

  • StudioBrooklyn

    Just so you know that got an audible guffaw out of me. All the other playground parents must have thought I was touched.

  • Willow Street Watch

    But it’s the WAY you raise your hand that matters,…if you raise your hand in the RIGHT way, you immediately become the evening’s MOST noticed and important speaker…….

    Some musical accompaniment before and after your speaking also greatly helps…..Dah-dah-dah-DAH-da-da-da-da-da_DAH-,da!!!

  • Jeffrey 12 Pin cylinder Smith

    AEB, I’m only telling what my direct experience is, you never want make it easy. Just talk to some seasoned Detectives in areas like the UES or and, for that matter les and you’d see how many entries are made with copies of keys left unguarded. Think this is out of it or somehow strange to bring up? Well, anyone who thinks basic key security is joke really is the April Fool!!

  • Banet

    There’s a small locksmith right on Henry next to the Clark street subway entrance — across from Gristede’s.

  • rss

    Is that place still there?
    Last time I got keys made I went to the hardware store on Montague.

  • Willow Street Watch

    And when I’m trying to bring something of value to table, to be a help to my neighbors the last thing I need someone doing a reductionist psychoanalysis. First, what I try to bring is years of living, surviving and thriving in this toxic garden spot. So when someone with some real experience advises you, even if it is sobering and sometines stark in tone, its for your good and pay attention. I’m beyond the hope that anyone will appreciate the effort_ let alone say thank you, but there IS serious value in what’s being delivered, read and learn.

  • AEB

    Thanks, Banet.

  • Banet

    It was a few months ago.