Open Thread Wednesday

What’s on your mind? Comment away!

(Early again. Your correspondent needs his zzzz’s, and hasn’t yet figured out how to make the “embargo post until ….” feature work.)

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  • ClaudeScales

    It wasn’t my doing. I once tried to post something that got put into “moderation.” When I asked our late founder/publisher why, he told me there is a filter that automatically puts anything containing certain words there. One of these is the name “Dick.” Of course, there weren’t any Dicks in the debate. Oh, wait….

  • NeighboorHood

    LOL Sir, and thanks for the reply. You have reaffirmed my trust in human decency, the Fourth Estate and people named Claude! It had crossed my mind that a really finely tuned obscenity filter would most certainly block a mention of Trump!

  • Andrew Porter

    How soon they forget. Don’t you remember all the juicy personal details of the cops lives on “Hill Street Blues” and “NYPD Blue”?

    Jimmy Smits’s pigeon coop was filmed on the top of the building at the corner of Furman and Old Fulton Street, btw.

  • Andrew Porter

    Philip K. Dick? His sense of the nature of reality—”The Man in the High Castle” being a major example—would be sorely tested by the current political scene.

  • Andrew Porter

    Here. Easily done on my iMac:

  • StudioBrooklyn

    Thanks Andrew. I do know how to edit photos, but for whatever reason I decided to upload the photo directly from my phone and Disqus took care of the rest.

  • Roberto Gautier

    Good points. You know your tv history.

  • ShinyNewHandle

    Question for the community around PS 8: Hypothetically, can a crossing guard who abuses a whistle be issued a ticket for disturbing the peace?

  • StudioBrooklyn

    What’s with the pervasion of the myth that British television is better than American? I mean, I get that they have fewer ad breaks and they were edgier earlier (Yes Minister, Monty Python, A Bit of Fry & Laurie, Black Adder, while the best the US could come up with was what, All in the Family?), but Mad Men and Louie alone leave the UK’s entire output from the last ten years in the dust (in my humble opinion). :)

  • StudioBrooklyn

    Hypothetically?? If noise disturbances–even illegal ones–in your part of the neighborhood ever actually result in citations I want to live on your block, because that sure isn’t the case by me.

    On a related note, I think cars should be manufactured so that if you honk the horn while the car is not moving forward the airbags should deploy and the car should become inoperable.