Open Thread Wednesday

What’s on your mind? Comment away! (Better late than never.)

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  • ClaudeScales

    The email system is down because the password was known only to our sadly deceased founder and publisher. We, by which I mean our tech person, will find a work around eventually. Meanwhile, just keep it bookmarked and look in whenever you please.

  • Willow Street Watch

    The “public” hearing on the pier 6 melanoma went to 11:36 pm last night!

    Speaker after speaker spoke, often in very carefully reasoned presentations, against the development.

    Of course, this was like using logic against rapacious wild animals or using aspirin on cancer. But the speakers droned on while the ESD types sat in basic disinterest, often with arrogant smirks, aside BBPC officials who did the same or who appeared to have a kind of ‘let the children have their say, it doesn’t/won’t change anything’ attitude.

    A smattering of proponents, the majority of which has some kind of selfish financial interest, presented. This ranged from the darlings at the Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce with thier well ballanced far seeing view which “enthusiastically” embraced the plan. Then there was the ‘Hey I need A Job Here’ (and I could care less who’s neighborhood is disrupted) types sporting Tshirts and loads of street attitude…

  • Arch Stanton

    Are we all supposed to know what Dos Toros is,? I mean aside from the literal translation.

  • Willow Street Watch

    Of, course, the sequence of speakers was carefully menipulated. People who stood in the rain to be the first to get in, and were predictably the strongest, and sometimes the most well spoken opponents, found that they were often far down in the order to speak. While proponents were shoved in front!!! This resulted in several near shouting matches at the chairman/mc’s table! Of course, the later you shove the stronger speaker the more likely hood that the important major press will have left.

    And NO ONE in all the testimony, EXCEPT for the very last speaker, (after 11PM!) mentioned a few matters…,

    Like which big banks/financial institutions are going to make a bundle on this? Which big NGO’s thought this up and quietly, always very sub Rosa promoted the idea? Why aren’t opponents trying some things which have an actual strong track record of success in other communities under seige.
    Like the classic device a offering a reward for evidence of indictable criminal activity connected with a project or in a generally connected business field.

    Gaggles of the-world-comming-to-an-end environmental religionists railed that pier six is below one or more flood lines. It never occurred to them that those mounting this will LONG be away with their profits before any of the even remotly possible problems would occur..that never began to register.

    What was accomplished outside of the legal/procedural mandate of giving the public the illusion their voice was being heard? What was changed in the situation?

    Nothing…. Why?… Because the perpetrators know that the victims won’t take the real steps to be effective, the prefer their comfortable points of academic argument to the difficulty and work, and possible personal danger, of effective action.

  • Rick

    I’ve never tried them. Aren’t they pretty much copying Chipotle?

  • heights res

    Yes, I have the same problem

  • heights res

    Thanks for your efforts in this horrible situation.

  • GHB
  • Pierrepont

    Did you happen to catch the story in today’s NYT about the raging sense of entitlement that seems to have swept One Brooklyn Bridge Park? Not for those with delicate stomachs:

  • gcarl

    Thank you for your response. Looking forward to the fix.

  • gatornyc

    There are always going to be a few bad apples especially in a building with 430 units. The huge majority of dog owners in OBBP are fully responsible and respectful.

  • StudioBrooklyn

    Googling it wasn’t too hard. Too bad Court Street btwn Montague and Atlantic is like an open sewer.

  • StudioBrooklyn

    I could rattle off a list of reasons I’m skeptical of your analogy to spirits. The first problematic thing that comes to mind with cigars is this enormous thing you have to hold in your mouth in a very unnatural way, like deep-throating a banana…but I’m a firm believer in letting others be, so I’ll just say “enjoy!” and discreetly hold my breath while passing through the smoke. :)

  • Willow Street Watch

    I wonder what the family and neighbors of the waiter who was MURDERED by that animal Norman and his cohorts sprung out of a max prison think of norm. Another “small” chapter of Heights history down the casino memory hole….

  • Arch Stanton

    I just think a bit rude to be so presumptuous.
    Anyway, Rick’s explanation and your accurate description of its surroundings gives me two good reasons never to set foot in “Dos Toros”.

  • Arch Stanton

    I don’t see how that tragic episode has anything to do with my point.
    Also, The “waiters” name was Richard Adan. Please try to be more respectful of the dead.

  • Andrew Porter

    I see him all the time, often on the seats in front of the entrance to the St. George residences on Henry Street. As far as the cigar smells, just let me say that I’m not his biggest fan.

  • Andrew Porter

    Rudyard Kipling said, “A good woman is a good woman, but a good cigar is a smoke.” Wish I knew what that meant…

  • Andrew Porter

    The University of Saskatchewan used to accept wheat in payment for tuition. I can’t see TWC accepting anything but cold cash.

  • Andrew Porter

    There is an alternative. Claude could create a Yahoo announce-only group, which could send e-mails, with photos and links, out to people. The service is free.

  • Andrew Porter

    The Times is, alas, behind a paywall. Also, if you use “Tiny URL” it greatly shortens the length of the link.

  • Andrew Porter

    My building banned dogs. Problem solved!

  • gatornyc

    I wouldn’t want to live in a building that didn’t permit dogs. Not my type of community.

  • Diesel

    A clear case of discrimination, Lawyer Up!

  • Willow Street Watch

    I try to keep to vital issues and resist responding to often squalid comments, but notice when you mention one of the facts/incidents down the casino memory hole the tone of response you get. Sure, and one of the great elite would have ever even brought his memory….I feel the way to honor victims is precisely not to allow the memory of their loss to remain unrecognized. And I think I’ll continue to do that, no matter how uncomfortable that makes “certain people” in the big Dutch house.

  • Willow Street Watch

    I’ll never understand why anyone would want to live in a building where you have some committee soviet style being able to decide the house rules. But you do have enough collectivist types who don’t feel comfortable unless they’re in their little “community” (read high cost, often corrupt, commune)

  • ShinyNewHandle

    Flagging you, WSW, aka JSJ, because this isn’t your blog, and I’m one of the people tired of your threadjacks.

  • Boerum Bill

    Leave him alone! Why are you threatened by his on-point insights?

  • ShinyNewHandle

    Boerum Bill, I usually don’t like your comments, but you don’t hijacks multiple comments in multiple threads every day with long-winded (and insulting) diatribes. I’m sorry to rain on your entertainment.

  • Jorale-man

    I see the new sign for the CVS going in at Remsen & Clinton went up today. Quite a statement. Huge red letters that scream CVS Drugstore. Not quite the subtle treatment that Rite Aid went for the next block down. Alas, it’s outside the historic district so it’s fair game.