Law and Order on Remsen Street Today

123445__criminalintent_l.jpgFrom BHB tipster "Karl": Law and Order CI (according to one sign) is filming on Remsen Street today. It looks like they are working in or near the Maronite Church on the corner of Henry.

Also, nabe blogger "Joy" mentions that Ugly Betty shouted out the Heights in a recent episode.

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  • Joy

    In other TV news, did you notice that Ugly Betty featured Brooklyn Heights in their newest episode? I wrote about it here:

  • mrmcd

    Not only that, the police made everyone move their cars off the whole block between Clinton and Henry. I’d be pissed if I had to loose my parking space for anything less than SVU.

  • BP

    New Will Smith movie to begin filming around the Brooklyn Bridge on Tuesday afternoon. The radio said 1000’s of extras…