How ’bout those CitiBikes? In a new megamix video, bike users are seen struggling to return their bikes at the dock on Henry near Atlantic Avenue.
Have you had this issue?
The Awl: Some of these people get lucky, parking their bikes within seconds and heading happily toward home. Others—those who stayed late at work, perhaps, and thus arrived on the wrong side of the evening rush—encounter devastating disappointment, as they realize that the one or two open slots on the rack are only open because they’re hopelessly broken.
Most people who find themselves in this situation spend some time trying really hard to make the slots work. They shove their bikes into them as forcefully as they can, hoping with every thrust that the mechanism will lock like it’s supposed to. But in the end, everybody gives up and rides sadly away.
Fox5NY covered the story this morning:
@bkheightsblog The agony of Citi Bike dock lock captured on video
— BikeShareNYC (@edrads) June 4, 2014