Live Blogging BHA Meeting

Our award winning live blog from the Brooklyn Heights Association’s Annual Meeting.

7:32pm TK Small in the house. First BHB Ten member sighting.

BHB Chief Correspondent Sarah Portlock is staying away from me and Qfwfq … she’ll have a real update later…

7:38pm Tom van den Bout and Alec Baldwin… twins?

no reading of last year’s minutes… read the handout!

BHA planted lots of trees last year!

1076 households are members currently… membership cost is low to be inclusive!

7:40pm Roll call of dignitaries Marty Markowitz and Yassky are latesky.

7:41pm shout out for blogs and Twitter re: listserv

Shout out to Cobble Hill Association on fighting the cabanas on Atlantic Ave …

7:45 the faux petit fleur Marty Markowitz arrives … he looks taller and thinner and is not blocking my view of the Brooklyn Bridge

neglected properties- Willow Place, Columbia Heights, Monroe Place … working with LPC to get these homes up to snuff

New BHA website in 2010 … more community access!

7:50pm Shout out to foes of Dock Street DUMBO

Tom calls Marty out !

7:52 pm Marty speaks on stage … likeBerlusconi he’s charming the crowd

Gotta say Marty’s looking good…

Re DSB – he listened to Brooklyn .. preserve the bowl , parking good … developer COULD build a huge hotel right now with no approval … Marty going full on … he is not supporting current project … Marty’s raging .. he has a small staff but they work hard … make the tower more slender and less girth .. hehe he said girth …

8pm Richard Berry , Marty’s guy, has a slideshow… man that thing is still big

8:04pm this presentation is a mashup of Kafka and Kubrick .. absurd!

Marty says I wish we didn’t have to do this it’s like root canal ! (more like an enema?)

waterboy Tom Stewart!

ok he started out nutty but he’s in the zone .. 165 State street … flooded by laundry accident … renovated ! lovely! first world problem vanquished! lovely folks the owners … they take home a plaque and a box of steaks..

82 Remsen … holla! new facade! no more purple house!! historically correct mortar! iron work!! period lanterns !!! Recession be damned!!! architect in da house!

52 Livingston Street – new gothic vs greek revival errr sumthin… lots of nutty additions over the years … restore the stucco? they were the stuckie! they fixed it .. it’s awesome !! another architect .. he’s no Rem Koolhaas

8:15pm props to popup park!
if you win an Award, does Tom give you Thirteen totebag?

humanitarian award to Mohammed the newsstand dude…
who cares print is dead! good n plenty rules!

8:20pm Floyd Norris of the Times takes the stage.. qfwfq insists he’s not the guy from the Howard Stern Show

recession now — oofah! never seen it those who have are dead!!!!

newspapers going bankrupt! lots of bankruptcies coming!!!

he sounds gloomy but doesn’t feel that way … could have fooled me

8:25pm thinking Pat Cooper or Professor Irwin Corey would have been better for this meeting
8:30pm a bank paid the band Chicago $100k to play a show — they had their first hit when I was in college , Floyd says! Brooklyn Eagle crew looks confused.. not familiar with that new fangled music… where Rudy Vallee? …
man this is dull …

8:35pm Floyd jazzed BHA made money last year.

8:36pm audience asks why didn’t anyone see it coming … Floyd saying I dunno … (FYI my pal Max Keiser at called it four years ago)

8:42pm Floyd likes answering questions … this is like squawkbox on cough syrup.

8:43pm Floyd not sure what’s next … but it’s getting worse !!!! Floyd is going to tell the three envelope joke ….

8:45pm NYC in for hard times, but don’t stock up on canned goods yet.

8:50pm folks are headed for the exits … didn’t know Lawrence Welk was on tonight

8;54pm Tim says good night!

8:55pm shout outs Joanne Simon, Nydia Velasquez! refreshments!

no Q&A

BHB Community member Andrew Porter sent us some photos including images from the Dock Street DUMBO presentation:

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  • Andrew Porter

    I am bringing my trusty Nikon D40 to the gathering, to take photos of the usual famous and infamous people.

  • my2cents

    That was a hilarious and informative synopsis, Homer. Much obliged!

  • Vox Populi


    Glad you wasted your time so we didn’t have to waste ours.


  • Andrew Porter

    I’ve been to more engaging annual BHA meetings. I’m also surprised that house on Hicks just south of Middagh didn’t make the honor roll this year. I was sitting on the far left, near the politicians; you were on the far right, near T.K. Small, who I greeted.

    Nice dark chocolate malted milk balls at the after-meeting gathering…

  • AEB

    Homer, just curious: what happened to yesterday’s thread on the role of the BHA, etc.?

    Seems to have gone with the wind.

  • Homer Fink

    @aeb: it was a story we published a couple of weeks ago that i put back on the homepage for a bit yesterday… link is:

  • AEB

    Thanks, Homer.

  • David on Middagh

    Floyd Norris was entertaining… I hadn’t heard the Three Envelopes joke.

  • nate

    I was hoping they would show clips of Slumdog Millionaire but instead they just showed drawings of boring blue boxes some of which were supposed to be infinitely better than others. But they were all undistinguishable blue boxes! Marty, next time we want pretty girls in saris, not blue boxes!
    Do you want us to vote for you or not?