All Along No Watchtower


The Jehovah’s Witnesses have been steadily moving out of town for several years, though the continued drop-in visits by would-be converters has had many asking, “Are they going or what?” Well, with the Watchtower signs now gone, it looks like they’re really nearly almost gone. So the future of your immortal soul is now in your own hands. Its oddly the end of an era as well, as one Brownstoner commenter said, “NO! On my drive to work every day, who’ll remind me to ‘Read God’s Word the Holy Bible Daily’?!” All I know is, I won’t hear anyone ask for a “Watchtower discount” at the local restaurants anymore.

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  • Claude Scales

    I was hoping they’d leave the countdown-to-the-end-of-the-world and temperature part there.

  • lcd

    Any hope of “affordable” housing coming to the Watchtower buildings?

  • Heightsman

    Time and temp are the real loss here.

  • ursulahahn

    You’d have to ask the developers who bought the buildings in Dumbo. All are zoned commercial, including the high-rise at the corner of Jay and Sands Streets. When the latter was erected on the site of a factory building, it didn’t have to go through ULURP because the replacement was termed a hotel. (That came about because a proposal to build a 40-story tower on Columbia Heights adjacent to Squibb Park was unanimously opposed by every elected official.)
    You must have read that there are big plans afoot for the development of a Brooklyn Tech Triangle (NYU-Polytech/Dumbo tech start-ups/Brooklyn Navy Yard). We may learn soon what the two developers, who bought the Dumbo buildings, intend to do with them. The high-rise at Jay/Sands may possibly serve as student housing.

  • HenryLoL

    These JW busidings are going to house offices. We do have a good amount of affordible housing though — two giant Mitchell Lama projects on Henry Street and hundreds of public housing apartments right next door in Fort Greene.

  • Buggs Bunny

    Getting commercial zoning changed to residential is all about “palm greasing” Ask 2 Trees or Bruce Ratner for tips. They might know who to speak to about the procedures.

  • Heights Observer

    The two giant Mitchell Lama buildings on Henry Street are impossible to get into, so much so that their waiting lists are closed closed and have been for years. That hardly contributes to a good amount of affordable housing.

    You really are a real estate shill for the billionaires, aren’t you?