Tale Of The Tweet: 150 Joralemon Literally Dumps On Citi Bike Share In Brooklyn Heights

Twitter user @duckumu shared a photo of the Citi Bike Share docking station at 150 Joralemon Street covered in what appears to be the building’s garbage (or at least its paper/recycling pile). As previously reported, the building is at odds with the city and the bike share program over the docking station near the property.

RELATED: NY Daily News Jumps On Citi Bike Hate Train

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  • dbgb
  • Chris Mcnally

    Well that’s much better! So now we can conclude that the station in question is extremely popular, whereas before it seemed like the least popular station in Brooklyn! Thanks for following up and clarifying.

  • MonroeOrange

    Was out of town last few days…but loving all the protests!…especially the car parked in the bike rack spots…hilarious!

  • MonroeOrange

    lol….Peter got played!

  • MonroeOrange

    actually they throw the bags over the cars, most of the time spilling liquid on the car if there is no room…so expect the same with the bike shares.

  • MonroeOrange

    but i guess your saying CITI Bank does own it, so they should be able to advertiser in our landmarked neighborhood…

  • MonroeOrange

    im starting to think any bike rider going the wrong way down the street should be fined just as much as a car driver doing the same…just saw someone get hit by a non citi bike rider (granted)…going wrong way on Pierrepont…luckily they were not injured.

  • petercow

    Yeah, like the phone booth by the Promenade.

    The dock is not a permanent fixture, and not subject to Landmarks, and even if it were, so what.. Montague Street is in the landmark district too.

  • petercow

    Cops ticket cyclists all the time.

    Even so, there’s a reason there’s a a multi-ton automobile and a bike is treated in law, in insurance, etc.

    The last time a pedestrian was killed by a cylist was in 2009. 80 people have been killed by cars so far in NYC. Just this morning, a 4 year old girl on the UWS.

    I get it. You’re a troll. I don’t mind it, but try not to be such a stupid one, ok?

  • MonroeOrange

    You should be ashamed of yourself for using the fact of the little girl killed today (which was horrible and my thoughts go out to her family)..that driver was running from the police…not a normal car driving situation.

    shame on you Peter…shame

  • MonroeOrange

    How is the dock not permanent? you have an annual membership right…so they can remove all the docks this year and you get your money back?…think before you speak Peter…i know that may be difficult

  • petercow

    Really, the vast majority of motor vehicle-pedestrian deaths are not caused by police chase.. and indeed, the famous “no criminality found.”

    Martha Atwater, was walking on Clinton Street in February.. an SUV smashed her against the wall.

    Oops. Sh*t just happens, right?


  • petercow

    Stats as of 5PM yesterday:

    Trips 5 pm – 5 pm current day: 9,904
    Trips since launch: 75,707

    Avg Duration (current day): 20 minutes, 20 sec
    Miles traveled since launch: 227,023 miles
    Most popular starting stations
    West St & Chambers St: 170
    Broadway & W 57 St: 157
    E 17 Street and Broadway: 138

    Most popular ending stations
    West St & Chambers St: 156
    Broadway & W 57 St: 156
    Central Park South & 6 Av: 126

    Annual Members: 29,156 total Annual Members
    24-hour passes purchased (5 pm – 5 pm):1,378
    7-day passes purchased (5 pm – 5 pm):207

  • petercow

    Call Landmarks, or DOT – ask them to explain that word to you.

  • MonroeOrange

    Yes…but the fact you used, was directly a result of police chase…once again..Shame on you Peter…Shame

  • petercow

    Tell me the last time a chase of a cyclist ended in anyone being killed. So I have no problem with it. Cry me a river.

  • MonroeOrange

    shame on you Peter for continuing to harp on this…I just feel sorry for you now…shame

  • Joe A

    I think everyone should call and express how we feel about this juvenile and reprehensible behavior.

  • Joe A

    You think the car was a protest? Lol, you are truly a piece of work.

  • MonroeOrange

    Once again….lets see those stats for this ‘alt transportation’ Oct – March?

  • north heights res

    Peter, people don’t have to be killed for this to be dangerous. Today, within one block, I saw a cyclist riding on the sidewalk, one going the wrong way down a one-way street, and two running red lights. Just because I wasn’t killed, but managed to escape injury by a reckless cyclist, doesn’t excuse their behavior. Cyclists who refuse to obey traffic rules put themselves and others at risk, and their apologists have no credibility.

  • Joe A

    Who’s being apologists for inappropriate and/or illegal behavior by bicyclists? I don’t understand this logic, are their no automobile drivers that violate the law and driver dangerously? Is that a reason to not have vehicle traffic in the city? Do subway riders commit crimes from time to time, stealing iPhones or perhaps pushing someone into an oncoming train? Do you suggest we shut down the subway system? Why is bicycle riding the one mode of transportation that must be completely free of any infractions whatsoever?

    I think most responsible bike riders are as outraged by irresponsible bike behavior as you are. We just don’t view that as an argument against a bike share program. BTW you didn’t mention if the bicyclists you saw were Bike share riders or not. We have had these complaints about bike riding on the sidewalks long before bike share started so again I don’t see the relevance.

  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlsiLOnWCoI Arch Stanton

    The bikes are made out of aluminum, stainless steel and high strength polymers. They can’t rust. Once again if you only bothered to do a little research before opening your mouth…

  • Joe A

    How many days out of the year are NYC streets covered with mounds of snow chicken little? And when they are unpassable because of snow people won’t ride the bikes. So? What’s your point? Bike share is an alternate means of public transportation. It offers options to NY residents. Sometimes, due to weather conditions it won’t be the best option and NY’s will use other means of transportation. Is this an argument against bike share in your mind?

  • Joe A

    So you equate the danger of an automobile going the wrong way down a one way street as equal to the danger of a bicycle doing the same? Really?

  • Joe A

    Oh, the shame, the shame. What a clown.

  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlsiLOnWCoI Arch Stanton

    FYI, The fines are the same for cyclists as for drivers. But then to be fair, they should also fine pedestrians that cross against the light or in the middle of the block.

  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlsiLOnWCoI Arch Stanton

    Also it should be noted when we have severe snow storms, the busses and trains suffer massive shutdowns and delays and many roads are not drivable.

    And not only snow, remember Sandy? the transit system was devastated for weeks, and there was hardly any fuel for the cars. However, I and many others, got to work on time every day, by bicycle.

  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlsiLOnWCoI Arch Stanton

    Far more cars run red lights than bikes and way more pedestrians cross against the light or J walk, than cars or bikes. I drive and the most “close calls” I have are from some idiot, absorbed in their surrogate reality, walking right into the street without looking. Next it’s from other cars, changing lanes without signaling, running red lights or blowing stop signs. Last it’s the bikes.

  • petercow

    I am not an apologist for cyclist bad-behavior. Just today I took someone to task for “salmoning”, and the day before for biking on the Promenade – even though it was 6:30AM, and we were the only ones there.

    But like pedestrians, and I dare say, we’re all jay-walkers, it’s not pedestrians or cyclists who are wielding multi-ton vehicles.