Area Man Claims Citi Bike In Brooklyn Heights Made Him Late For Work

Don’t shoot the messenger on this one. Ok, maybe but we’re just the messenger relaying a message from another messenger who reblogged a message from the original messenger.

Yes, this allegedly happened in Brooklyn Heights as told to the NY Post through the lens of Gothamist:

Gothamist: “The first station at Montague and Clinton isn’t operating yet so I rushed over here and now I’m late,” Justin Hugh, 27, told a totally unbiased Post reporter who had not been frantically interviewing three dozen people already in search of the perfect smear quote. Hugh made his remarks at the station at Montague and Hicks streets, which is TWO BLOCKS AWAY from the first station he tried. The Post reports that those two blocks made Hugh “15 minutes late to his Union Square tech job,” presumably because he paused to enjoy the world’s tiniest violinist performing on Henry Street.
Hugh added that the Citi Bike program, which had been live for 24 hours, was “cool but it is not up to speed yet.” Other sporadic glitches were reported in the Post, including another man who says Citi Bike made him 20 minutes late for his job in advertising (which in the advertising world is generally considered “on time”). It’s unclear why the largest bike share system in the nation wasn’t functioning without any flaws on its second day of operation, but it goes without saying that all the docking stations should immediately be doused in kerosene and set ablaze.

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  • PB

    Wow. If it took him 15 minutes to walk just two blocks I hate to think how long it will take him to bike the 4 miles (80 blocks) to Union Square!

  • Jorale-man

    It’s almost as ridiculous as the NY Post’s obsession with finding every possible negative angle they can about the program. And notice that the BHB seems to mostly pick up NY Post articles, even though much of the other media coverage has been positive, or at least neutral, on the issue. I can’t blame the BHB for wanting the clicks it generates, though it would be nice for a *little* balance.

  • jazz

    did anyone actually read the post? reactionary much?

  • Greg

    It would be nice to see the stations at Montague & Clinton and Joralemon & Clinton operational. I was told by a Citi Bike representative that these stations should have signs on their kiosks announcing as much, but I haven’t seen any signs or any other indicators they don’t work.

    I wonder what the holdup is.

    (Full disclosure: I Citi Biked this morning from Henry & Atlantic to Middagh & Cadman Plaza to catch the A train. It didn’t make me late for work).

  • PB

    And now that I think about it and do the math, if he walked to work it would take him a full 10 hours. Good thing CitiBike is available to him. ;-)

  • stuart

    if you are gainfully employed and wish to bike to work every day, why not buy your own private bike?

  • Joe A

    Storage, theft, inconvenience, can’t use for one way trips.

    The bike share is incredibly convenient. Pick up a bike, ride where you want and forget about it. You don’t have to worry about your bike getting stolen or damaged, if you have to go somewhere after work you don’t have to worry about your bike. There are a million reasons why bike share are preferable to using your own bike.

  • Michael Creagh Photo

    Montague to Union Square is about 1:30 walking time at normal pace. I do it all the time. But maybe by his 15 minutes from Clinton to Hicks pace!!!

  • Arch Stanton

    Why anyone would believe anything printed in that rag paper, let alone quote it, is beyond me.

  • PB

    I’ve walked numerous times — at a brisk pace — to union square. It takes me exactly 1 hour. Since its exactly 4 miles that’s walking at 4 miles an hour… which is exactly the definition of a “brisk pace”.

  • Arch Stanton

    Tuesday morning I was in a coffee shop upstate, there was no cellphone service but there was a copy of the Post laying on the counter, so I read the quoted article. I thought it a complete fabrication.

  • Timothy Hurley

    Did his dog eat his homework?

  • Reggie

    The Onion ain’t got nothing over Gothamist! Spot on parody.

  • yoohoo

    Arch, that paper was lying on the counter, not laying.

  • Pineappler

    I only want to read NY Post articles through the lens of Gothamist from now on. They give the Post the respect they’re due, which is zero.

  • petercow

    Membership is now over 21,000.

  • Arch Stanton

    LOL I stand corrected.

  • poppy211

    take the subways and busses get rid of these bikes