VIDEO: #Sandy in Brooklyn Heights

BHB’s “Man with a Cam” Karl Junkersfeld hit the streets of Brooklyn Heights earlier this afternoon and reported back with some compelling footage. Our takeaway? SANDY IS NOT JOKE. Watch the clip after the jump.

For more of Karl and Homer’s reports check out our video blog at the Brooklyn Bugle. Tweet us Sandy updates using the hashtag #brooklynsandy.

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  • Andrew Porter

    Still waiting for the BBC to write you a nasty letter for swiping their opening graphics….

  • Laura

    Thank you for the video! I own ground floor property along willow but live in NC so this is very important storm coverage for me!

  • Cristina Alamino

    thank you for the video, my daughter lives at ST. George hotel in one of the students dorms and your video is very important to keep parents like me well informed of what is going in Brooklyn Heights.

  • Marianne Zinkewicz

    Many thanks for posting this. I lived in Brooklyn Heights for 37 years, but now live in Southern California. I wanted so much to find out what was going on back “home” and this helped a lot. Hope all of you stay safe and keep strong.