Despite the go ahead yesterday from the Landmark Preservation Commission allowing the Pinnacle Group to build an underground garage at the Riverside Apartments, tenants are shouting “it’s not over until the Fat Lady sings”.
The tenants group has hired the law firm of Collins Dobkin Miller to represent them at New York State Division of Housing and Community Renewal (DHCR) to block the landlord from essentially raising rents to build the garage. The NYS DHCR needs to approve the construction before it can proceed.
Pinnacle, according to the tenants, also needs approval from New York State Department of Transportation and the New York State Historic Preservation Office.
The group will hold a meeting tomorrow night TONIGHT to discuss the garage construction. State Senator-elect Daniel Squadron will attend.
Update: Squadron tells BHB, “I was sorry to see the LPC decision about Riverside Apartments. The decision sets a dubious precedent for the Heights Historic District and will cause serious disruption in the lives of residents.”