CSI:NY Filming on Cranberry Today

According to signs posted on Cranberry Street between Henry and Hicks, CBS’s CSI:NY will be shooting on the street until 11pm.  We saw no signs of a film crew around 9:30am but if you see them, send us a photo (upload to the BHB Photo Club or email to webmaster AT brooklynheightsblog.com).

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  • nabeguy

    Oh, and let’s not forget that 30 ROCK will be filming tomorrow and talking all parking on Henry Street between Middagh and Orange, as well as Orange between Henry and Hicks. 30 Crock if you ask me.

  • e

    forget the movie, what is the deal with, yet again, the big tent on the pier off the promenade? this evening they were “sound testing” and we could hear it all the way to henry st….

  • hoppy
  • BKBS

    Hmm…I might not complain so much about all of the inconvenience if I could meet Gary Sinise…

  • nabeguy

    Saw the 30 ROCK set-up this morning. They’re filmig a scene in Noodle Pudding…maybe they’ll get better service than the rest of us are used to.

  • Homer Fink

    Someone take a photo!

  • nabeguy

    30 ROCK is actually doing 4 shoots and will be there until 10:00 PM. Didn’t see Tina, Tracy or Alec, but the hair/makeup truck is right in fornt of Cranberry”s for all you stalkers.

  • GHB

    Hoppy, does that mean we can forget about sleeping this weekend?

  • http://www.myspace.com/billyreno Billy Reno

    Tina Fey can park it wherever she likes!

  • ABC

    I saw Alec and Salma Hayak (I guess?) shooting a scene in Cadman