Open Thread Wednesday 10/1/08

Flickr photo by Joel Zimmer

Flickr photo by Joel Zimmer

Happy Rocktober! What’s on your mind?

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  • Monty

    Epicurious had an very negative (and misguided) review of the new TJs:

    The commenters made the author fully aware of her misconceptions.

  • p

    Yeah I wanna know why ever since I made a comment about the post about the dead animal not being funny, my comments aren’t approved. Cool.

  • Air Rage

    The helicopters were out of control above the neighborhood this morning around 6:30 am. Anything special going on? Do they really need an apache attack copter to hover for 30 min just to report “breaking news” that rush hour traffic into manhattan is heavy?

  • nabeguy

    Thanks just me.

  • Concerned About Dogs

    There are at least 2 to 3 dogs in an apartment near the Mansion. They howl all day and night as if in pain. I feel very frustrated hearing this go on for HOURS.

    If anyone knows who dogs those are… please speak up. I would hate to call the police or the animal control and have them taken away.