Flash: Trader Joe’s to Open Friday, September 26

Breaking news from The Brooklyn Paper: the long-awaited Trader Joe’s at Court and Atlantic will open for business one week from this coming Friday, at 9:00 A.M.

Update: BHB tipster “Stephanie” sent us a photo of the new sign!

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  • Sgt. Pepper

    Thank the LORD!!!! Now we can OFFICIALLY never go to KEY FOOD again. May they go out of business and a huge bakery open in their space. Rock on TD’s!

  • yo

    line is already around the block

  • Beavis

    I was a TJs fanatic for a few years, driving weekly to Union Square to shop, but I’ve replaced that addiction with Fairway, which IMHO has better food.

    But I still like TJs and can’t live without their:

    Bottled Green Tea with Bergamot Root
    Pear Champagne Salad Dressing
    Mache Salad in a bag
    Mini hams
    Sausage tomato sauce
    Canned smoked trout
    The best turkey bacon
    Palek Paneer in a pouch
    Inexpensive, high quality cut flowers


  • http://selfabsorbedboomer.blogspot.com Claude Scales

    Yoyo: It was Yogi Berra.

  • Teddy

    For some reason a TJ in that building doesn’t look quite right. Anyway, when will we get a Whole Foods and Apple store in the area?

  • rubydoo

    nice photo “Stephanie”!

  • AEB

    Atlantic seams to be the northernmost Brooklyn avenue to which stores like TJ will go.

    Too bad….

  • envious on clark

    Thank goodness for the Cobble Hill side of Atlantic Avenue!
    Cobble Hill rocks. I want to move there. It is like Brooklyn Heights but with class and no bumbs.

  • nabeguy

    So move there. Us class-less bumbs need the extra room.

  • http://selfabsorbedboomer.blogspot.com Claude Scales

    And the folks in CH can spel rite.

  • joe

    I can’t tell you how excited I am about this. I love their salsa and frozen foods. I do agree though with Teddy that the building would be better for something hip and cool like an Apple store. location would be perfect.

  • envious on clark

    Oh, and the other thing you don’t see much in cobble hill are the super-arrogant, old, underemployed, rent-control types like “nabeguy” walking around and being rude to everybody.
    Does the Heights have the highest concentration of elderly socialist beatnicks in the boro or what?

  • Sally

    I like elderly socialist beatniks.

  • Topham Beauclerk

    Of whom are you envious, Envious On Clark? And of course you know that envy is one of the seven deadlies.

  • Kim

    eh..I like the bouncer in the front..if it’s necessary..just deal. I’m excited!

  • kathy

    It’s so great…now I can go there and to my fav, Cobblestone Foods…all in one trip! SO convenient.

  • Maryanne Walters (not my real name)

    IMHO, you should seriously reconsider shopping at Fariway if you are looking for organics. They are unethical and are selling products that are not what they claim. I would only buy organic goods that are packaged. This includes bulk items and produce. I tried to get anyone and everyone interested in testing and checking their items (including govt orgs) but no one really seems to care if organics are just that.
    Good luck.