Karl Catches the Action at Pier 6

Our man with cam scopes out the scene at the newly-opened section of Pier 6 yesterday, and your correspondent also visited and got some stills, including the volleyball action above. Video and another photo after the jump.

Some areas of the newly opened pier section are not quite ready, as in the photo above.

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  • nabeguy

    Shouldn’t the headline be “Karl Is The Action at Pier 6″? BTW, went to Esposito’s on Court St. this am, post MIB3 filming. There was a great 3 block long selection of retro 60’s cars lined up on both sides of the street, but alas, no Prince of Bel-Air trailer in sight.

  • AEB

    Soundtrack is groovy! Sorry, awesome! Totally!

  • Jorale-man

    I saw Karl there yesterday doing his thing. Nice to see the results!

    It seemed like they need to work out some kinks in the ferry boarding process still. The bag security search was new and seemed to slow everything down quite a bit. Hopefully that will get streamlined as the summer goes on.

  • nabeguy


  • Kim

    There were only a few of us on the newly opened sand volleyball courts. We hope there are more soon!

  • Bette

    Karl, that (video) was sweet! And people should know that although the lines seem daunting to get on the ferry, they really are not too bad. It has a big capacity and it’s rare if you don’t get on; if it happens, the next one should be there in a half hour and if you bring water or a book it’s not a terrible place to wait: you’re by the water at least! (strollers and bikes go in one line and board first. People without “wheels” of any kind stand in another line and board once the bottom level is full of wheeled vehicles.)

  • Curtis LeMay

    Hey guys,

    Great video Karl. Looks like the ride to and over on Governor’s Island is sweet!

    Now, if we could only get rid of the warehouse(s) abutting the park and turn them into greens space right on the river, boy would da Heights have something truly special – the jewel of NYC imho.

    I know, I know, can’t have it all and life is progress, not perfection. My point is I reckon that Pier 6 feels fake’ish, especially when looking from afar.

    More to do.

  • Matthew Parker

    Thanks for your fun videos!

  • WillowtownCop

    Will the wine bar at pier 6 be open tonight? Or only the one at pier 1? The website is not up to date.

  • nabeguy

    Curtis, wasn’t your scorched earth policy in ‘Nam enough to satisfy you?

  • http://selfabsorbedboomer.blogspot.com Claude Scales

    Willowtown: the wine bar at Pier 6 isn’t slated to open until mid-June.

  • Curtis LeMay


    LOL, no. That’s where I learned to really appreciate green-space. Lush and tropical country, Vietnam is.

  • nabeguy

    It sure was lush before Agent Orange. BTW, I’m not quite sure what warehouses you refer to…between Pier 1 and 6, there’s One Brooklyn Bridge Park, the building housing the offices of BBPC, and the venting tower for the Battery Tunnel. Which of those would you like razed?

  • Jaques

    Too many little kids and strollers.

  • lois

    Love your videos, Karl