Death From On High: Hawk Devouring a Pigeon In Brooklyn Heights

At around 5:50pm or so, a hawk was spotted eating what looked like a pigeon on Columbia Heights, between Pierrepont and Clark streets. A flurry of feathers fell to the ground as the bird of prey tore into its victim. Anyone else see it?

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  • Coraline

    Yes, I saw it as I was walking by! It was raining feathers and as I looked up I saw a HAWK enjoying dinner. Thank goodness there were no small children near by!

  • Teddy

    I live on State Street and saw a hawk resting on a tree in my backyard about a week ago. When I saw the hawk, I thought to myself, boy, that’s a rare sight! I wonder if it’s the same hawk?

  • Andrew Porter

    Don’t cook tonight, call pigeon delight!

    Coraline, hawks don’t attack and eat small children, because they haven’t figured out how to get the coverings off…

  • Demonter

    Hawks are the best answer to the overpopulation of pigeons although they are probably just slowing the growth of the pigeon flocks.

  • PS 8 parent

    Small children tend to be fascinated by stuff like this. Lots of hawks in Brooklyn parks….

  • Alana

    I am upset me and my son missed it. We were at Chapin park at that time. Pigeons are like flying rats anyway so HAWK;;;;;: eat away…

  • Jbu

    Please send the hawk over to my building. We could use some help with the pigeons.

  • Mickey

    Thanks, Andrew. I haven’t thought of the Chicken Delight jingle since the 70s!

  • Eddy de Lectron
  • GHB

    Saw this unfolding. Someone said he thought it was a Golden Eagle, having been seen around the Heights before…

  • the meowking

    golden eagle is extremely unlikely in urban areas. red-tailed hawks are common though.

  • Demonter

    Golden Eagles are much larger than these hawks. They can take down a goat and even hunt other predators such as wolves. There are a few interesting videos on Youtube showing Golden Eagle attacks.

  • Jorale-man

    I never understood people’s problems with pigeons. They’re pretty harmless creatures all things considered. And while I’m not one to argue with nature’s food chain, we shouldn’t be enjoying seeing other animals injured or killed either (which is probably why I can’t watch those Animal Planet shows of Tigers preying on smaller creatures).

  • Y

    Are you enjoying your steak tonight?

  • Nick

    Is this the same guy? On Garden Pl. and State a few days ago. Sorry I didn’t have a better lens!

  • Dorothy Daniela Josephs

    No doubt it was a red- tailed hawk, speckled brown above and specked white beneath–common to our region. I’ve seen them around lately since the thaw of snow began. They are migrating a bit southwar back into our region since the heavy snows drow them southward a bit, and they are a great control on mice, rats, AND the over population of pigeons. Hawks are wondrous and mighty bird that can see from for nearly a mile from above. They are hawk-eyed for sure. We birders love spotting them, though they are the most common hawk of the Northeast region. A red-shouldered hawk is more rare, as are small kestrels and cooper hawks also of our region. The red-tailed hawk can often be seen circling with a mate in spring. They tend to claim about a mile of territory per pair. A one-time avid birder, I know they live in Prospect Park and Central Park and other areas with fields surrounded by woods. They swoop down grabbing their prey in their talons and tear it with their beaks as they roost on a branch above. They were over hunted and killed by farmers who called them chicken hawks. If you keep chickens in your yard, beware, it is the course of nature for hawks to eat other birds, and mice, etc. and we need them to eat pigeons and mice. We should all love hawks who keep an important ecological balance in nature.

  • Dorothy Daniela Josephs

    P.S. pigeons DO CARRY diseases that are bad for humans.

  • AEB

    I’m with Jorale-man on this: don’t understand pigeon-phobia. They keep their distance, I keep mine. They fly, they coo, they’re birds in an environment starved for avaiary life.

    Have never kissed one and don’t intend to. (Well, depends on net worth…)

  • william

    “I’ll have the Wild Squab Tartar”, says the Red Tail Hawk.