Replacement Mail Carrier Wreaks Havoc on Willow Street

This photo comes to us from a BHB tipster. Apparently a replacement US Mail carrier was a little over zealous in his/her box stuffing on Tuesday, making it nearly impossible for residents of at least one Willow Street building from retrieving their mail including those all-important Value Paks.  Someone, we'd assume the regular mail person, attempts to make it clear it wasn't him by crossing out the salutation "To Our Mail Carrier" and replacing it with "To the person who fills in on our mail carriers [sic] day off". (click on photo for larger version)

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  • Andrew Porter

    I would like to thank the Post Office for all the times they deliver mail for 55 Poplar, 55 Pineapple or 55 Pierrepont to the wrong address. There’s nothing like waiting for an important letter only to find it has been misdelivered to another address. I would also like to thank them for delivering mail to the next building to mine. Hey, they got the apartment number right. Too bad it’s not for me or my building…

  • Sally

    I used to have this problem when I lived in Manhattan. I actually cut myself pulling mail out of my mailbox more than once. The delivery style here on Orange Street has been a pleasure. Thanks guys!

  • Billy Reno

    My FHM is damaged! Part of Carmen Electra’s booty is torn! WAAAAAHH!!

  • Jacko

    That’s some slow-ass mail delivery in your ‘hood, especially since FHM went bust two years ago.

  • Pataki

    Billy is a time traveler/comic.

  • Rose

    We live on Henry Street, and our mail is generally balled up and stuffed into our box. That is if we receive it at all. Perfectly addressed envelopes in clear hand writing are returned to sender. Often our mail for the whole building is left in a pile on the floor, with the boxes remaining empty. Last year our Federal Tax refund was left on the floor. We have made numerous complaints to the post office and if anything the condition of our mail has only gotten worse. Good luck to you all.