DUMBO, You’ll Be a Landmark (Soon)


The NYC Landmarks Preservation Commission voted this afternoon to make DUMBO a historic district. Now all that's left is NYC Council approval.

DUMBONYC.com: LPC Approves…:The Commission voted unanimously 8-0 this afternoon to protect the blocks and 91 historic buildings in Dumbo. The new historic district is bound by John Street to the north, York Street to the south, Main Street to the west and Bridge Street to the east. According to the LPC, the Dumbo area was “essential to Brooklyn’s rise as a major American industrial center and was the home of some of the most important industrial firms in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century America…

Photo: PhotoPhoenix via Flickr

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  • No One of Consequence

    So does this put the kaibash on the Dock Street DUMBO project?

  • Le Courbusier

    I believe the Dock Street project is not in the landmarked district, as you will see from the “main street to the west,” so no “kibosh” would be put on it.

    Also, bad form for naming the petition “save the brooklyn bridge,” when what is allegedly saved is the *view* of the bridge from certain locales. Which is totally more important than a middle school.

  • just asking?

    How about a middle school instead of a condo tower?

  • Le Courbusier

    Dock St. project at last rendering was supposed to have a middle school on the lower floors.

  • HDEB

    The Beacon on Adams St and J Condo on Jay street blocked my view of the east river. They should be torn down; the east river must be saved. How dare developers build a structure that obscures my view.