Freegans Forage in Heights

freegans.JPG ABC News: One Man’s Trash: Madeline Nelson is hosting a dinner party for a dozen friends. She is serving four courses, including mixed green salad and stuffed peppers. The grocery bill for such an elaborate feast? Zero. That’s because this food doesn’t come from inside a store, but outside of it.

The night before the dinner, Nelson led a “trash tour” on the streets of tony Brooklyn Heights, N.Y., dumpster diving at bakeries and grocery stores.

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  • cranberry

    the food at heights grocery stores is already rotting on the shelves, how can it still be good by the time it makes it to the garbage?

  • yo

    not to mention the fact that dogs very often relieve themselves all over the garbage bags on the street. Yummy.

  • lifer

    and people who work in these places surely spit in the garbage, as well as throw out paper towels from washing their hands after usiang the bathroom.

  • Eric

    Ive seen what I believe to be freegans digging around in the garbage outside of Perelandra (sp?) for a few years now.
    I know I like my garbage organic.

  • nabeguy

    Friggin’ freegans are the epitome of bottom feeders. Next thing you know, they’ll start showing up at waste-water recycling plants looking to quench their thirsts!

  • HDEB

    One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.

  • http://BrooklynHeightsBlog Karl

    The Heights is famous for its high quality discards with respect to furniture. Not into it myself but have seen some pretty good stuff outside buildings in the nabe.

  • yo

    I’ve heard of so many accounts of people getting food poisoning from the food made at Perelandra, I can’t imagine how sick it will make you 4 days later when its sitting in dog urine and methadone clinic phlegm.

  • ChrisC

    While I love the idea of living a less wasteful lifestyle, why don’t the freegans spend more time rounding up leftover food for folks who are really starving? Like say work/volunteer for City Harvest? Wouldn’t that be time better spent? Just my two cents..