The Battle of the Menorahs

Which is Menorah is bigger — Rabbi Shimon Hecht's of Park Slope or his nephew Rabbi Ari Raskin's of Brookyn Heights? It's a question that pops up every year and tackles it this week: Tallest or Biggest…: The official moniker of the Park Slope menorah is "Brooklyn's Biggest." But at the Dec. 4 lighting at the courthouse Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz dubbed Raskin's "Brooklyn's Tallest."

In truth, each is about the same height at roughly 30 feet. Provisions in Jewish law limit a menorah's vertical dimensions at 32 feet.

And yet, the battle continues, although Park Slope's menorah is officially 29 feet tall, and plans sitting on Raskin's desk in his fourth-floor office at Congregation B'nai Avraham pin the height of Brooklyn Height's menorah at closer to 30 feet. [Full story]


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  • GHB

    Yes…it DOSE.

  • Billy Reno

    It’s not the size…it’s where you schtick it!