Lost in Translation?

BHB photo by C. Scales

BHB photo by C. Scales

Hmmm, let’s see…I’ll have miso soup, salad, the deluxe sushi and sashimi, and a magnum of Cristal, please.

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  • Nancy

    This belongs on that website Engrish.com

  • sup

    Feeling superior today? Most Americans can’t even speak a 2nd language.

  • http://selfabsorbedboomer.blogspot.com Claude Scales

    Gomen nasai.

  • nabeguy

    sup, that sign has nothing to do with language and everything to do with logic.

  • Andrew Porter

    Me talk pretty one day.

    If you’re trying to sell a product, the point is to communicate clearly what you’re selling. This fails the test. I think what they want to say is, “Summer Special: free drinks with any individual meal over $19.99, in-store only.” But what do I know, I’m only a confused consumer…

  • hicks st guy

    @sup, correction, most Americans can’t speak English.

  • Karl Junkersfeld

    …….or write it, myself included.