Happy 127th Anniversary Brooklyn Bridge

BHB’s Karl Junkersfeld say Happy 127th Birthday to the Brooklyn Bridge.

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  • AEB

    …and long may you wave!

  • http://heatherquinlan.com Heather Quinlan

    Well done, Mr. Junkersfeld!

  • George Earl

    Karl, congrats! As an advertising copywriter who worked in Japan for several years, I still smile when I remember how my fellow workers used to answer my question, “Now what are you going to see first when you visit New York?” They’d say, “Macy’s … and your Brooklyn Bridge!” And no, this man never tires of tredding either! Your piece is superb.

  • J. Aubrey

    Many of us never tire of looking at this beautiful structure in our neighborhood. Thanks for devoting your time and talent toward creating a perfectly lovely tribute.