Tuesday Clooney Alert


As previously reported, Burn After Reading, the movie shooting in Brooklyn Heights and starring George Clooney and Brad Pitt will be filming a crash scene on Middagh Street Tuesday. According to NYPD No Parking signs, the crew will be working from 6AM – 4 AM.

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  • marco

    I\’ve seen John Malkovich every morning on the way to the High Street A station on Cadman where their trailers are parked. Yesterday he was shaving in the street and chatting with Clooney. I was glad to see that nobody was bothering them. New Yorker\’s are just too cool.

  • beth

    And make an ungodly amount of noise at 6AM they did.

  • http://bk11201.com EJ

    They’re taking over Cobble Hill this week as well. Clinton below Atlantic is taped off thru Friday.

  • JR

    I’m amazed at the apathy displayed by my fellow Columbia Heights neighbors. Are we being compensated by the production company, the studio, the Coen Bros., the actors, or the city for this taking of our neighborhood over 3 days? Really nice to come home after work to find your car with orange cone on it and instructions to move or be towed. Has this “revenue generator” really produced for the local establishments (really, Gristedes can put out spoiled meat and dairy products and they would still sell and I don’t think either Ziggys or Fortune House was asked to cater)? I don’t care who’s running against Markowitz or Bloomberg but I’d vote for a Bush sibling at this point. There is no need or justification for filming a scene like this in our neighborhood. Thanks for paying us the compliment of shooting in our picturesque neighborhood, but it would not remain so if we continue to have caravans of eighteen-wheelers and trailers invading it. Why not share the wealth and film in some of the often overlooked areas of New York City like Brownsville, Hunts Point, Jamaica, or Washington Heights? Hell, even Red Hook could use some exposure! Funny thing – when these actors request photographers to respect their and their family’s privacy, do they ever consider how much of an intrusion the filming of a movie is on the residents of the chosen locale? Any consideration for the people who work nights or weekends and are home during the day? How about the elderly or disabled who have difficulty getting around? Should they have Access-a-Ride wait for them 5 blocks down on Old Fulton (watch your step down that hill Nana)? How about the schoolteachers who normally park on Middah? Hey, that’s Hollywood! Thanks, but no thanks.

  • http://http:www.myspace.com/billyreno Billy Reno

    JR needs a hug and 2 points off the back end profits.

  • ABC

    wha wha wha what?

    I’ll only talk about the economic thing. It’s not quite the direct impact you’d l ike to see, that’s true. But the film and tv industry is very big in NY. Very important. It’s one of the few growth industries around. All those people you see on the street are getting paid and paying taxes. The trucks, the lighting, the mics, the catering, the post-production and on and on are all NY companies and it benefits all of us. A shoot in Brooklyn Heights doesn’t benefit us all that much more than a shoot in Chelsea — but, trust me, there are FAR more shoots in Chelsea and those benefit you with zero personal impact.

    I always feel they could do more to reduce impact on neighbors. I live here. I park here! It’s rough. But yes, I think it is good for NY.

    (also, PS 8 has a lot, there is parking on only one block of Middagh which is usually taken over by firefighters parking illegally)

  • JR

    I’ll only talk about the economic thing – nice analysis, but…

    Is this city so poorly mismanaged that we’re relying on the revenue generated by a couple of film crew employees and the permits that were issued? The city collects massive amounts of personal income taxes paid by its residents, not to mention the revenue from PD, PVB and Sanitation fines handed out. How about taxing these corporations that always threaten to leave unless they get city and state subsidies and/or tax-breaks (Goldman Sachs?). But the existence of these companies in NYC generates revenue, right? Nice justification. These guys were never going anywhere. You think the investment bankers want to discuss an M&A deal over some jalapeño poppers at the Chilli’s off Route 9? However, I would’ve favored a tax break to Sony Pictures to prevent the layoffs in NYC over the filming of a building demolition scene for Die Hard 5 on Montague Street.

    Don’t need a hug or points, just want to wake up and come home to a quite neighborhood, which is why I chose to move here instead of, say, Chelsea or the Upper West/East Sides. It’s why I paid up to move out of those other neighborhoods I mentioned. It’s why I accept and pay city taxes. However, apathy is a slippery slope. One day they’re filming a “t-bone crash”, the next day they’re building an arena for the Nets. But by then they won’t be telling you to get a hug. They’ll probably propose you do something to yourself a bit more intimate, Bill, if you’re well enough endowed.

  • JR

    Actually, I posted the two bitter missives (though I shoot for cynicism). It’s a subjective thing. Most are surprisingly upbeat, which is cool. That’s another nice thing about our neighborhood – lack of homogeny.

  • littletarsier

    If Brooklyn Heights has a “lack of homogeny”than I’m a small monkey from the Phillipines. Oh wait…

    No seriously: BH is as homogeneous as it gets outside of the UES!