Mr. Junkersfeld Gets Trippy or What Are All Those Markings on the Street?

Mr. Junkersfeld, BHB contributor, has handed in his first work that can be truly considered avant-garde.   Just what are all those markings on the streets and sidewalks of Brooklyn Heights?

Sit back, relax and enjoy.  Say hello to Captain Tripps for us.

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  • nabeguy

    karl just ask John Sayles…

  • StephM

    well, there certainly are A LOT of them, but where I live, I would call those ‘pain in the ass construction marks’ that usually preceed water, sewer and asphalt replacement work!

  • Karl Junkersfeld


    In NYC these are not, I repeat not, temporary markings for future specified construction.

    These are permanent, in indelible paint, markings to warn any future constructions crews in the area to beware of gas, electrical, water lines/pipes under the street and sidewalk surfaces.

    Obviously, these symbols serve an important function but my only point is that there must be a better way.

    Trust me, in beautiful Brooklyn Heights, if these marking were originated by anyone else other than city service agencies, people would freak out.

    There are technologies out there , called infrared and others, that are accessible merely by putting on a pair of lenses. How about managers put some infrared lenses on before instructing their crews to drill.

    As an after note, I can handle the street markings a whole lot better than the sidewalk. Brand new sidewalks looking as beautiful as can be then wham a marking that dominates its look.

    Just an opinion from a self anointed curmudgeon.

  • AEB

    I have it on good authority that these are the work of GUDER in his new capacity as Bloomberg-anointed Urban Street Glyphologist.

    See there IS such a thing a rehabilitation!

    PS, loved the film, Karl! I mean, it was far fu**kin’ OUT!!

  • Steven424

    Let me offer another possible explanation. Consider the references to “Shallow Fiber Optics”. I postulate that these markings of the potential routes of Verizon’s FIOS fiber optic network trunks in Brooklyn Heights. Without the benefit of a “10,000 ft view” of the entire network topology, I would guess that these are being used to spec out the best routes for the fiber backbone so Verizon can achieve the most coverage with the least amount of digging. We knew it was only a matter of time before fiber invaded BH and challenged Time Warners monolopy, and these may be the opening shots.