Official BHB Reader Endorsement Poll: The Herd for the 33rd

The Democratic primary for the 33rd NYC Council District is September 15. On September 14, we will announce the BHB Reader’s Candidate based upon the results of this poll. This is a new poll, so if you voted in our previous “unofficial” one, you’ll need to vote one more time.

BHB, the Brooklyn Bugle and Cobble Hill Blog’s editorial board never endorses candidates. Sure we may stir the pot a little but the act of endorsing a candidate is the sole domain of you, our readers. Vote away!

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  • Joan Kylish

    Good Luck to you Steve.

  • Real Reform Brooklyn


    Thanks. You’re a real gent.


  • nabeguy

    Welcome to Brooklyn politics, folks. The Gowanus has a better chance of getting cleaned up. Sorry for the miss-read RRB…the bogus endorsement sounded about as screwy as this entire campaign.

  • J Matthew Buzby

    Keep on doing the right things and the people will soon realize what a great guy they picked. Steve you are the best and will always be the best for the job.

    Good luck from the Buzby crew.
    Matt, Dawn,Bryce,Alexis,Ava,and Reid

  • Real Reform Brooklyn

    Wow, Buzby Crew, that’s a lot of Kool Aid. We think that we will buy some stock tomorrow AM.

    Real Reform Brooklyn

  • AAR

    Follow the links in Real Reform Brooklyn to Evan Thies story in The Observer. He is the only candidate to actually ring my door bell. He spent time in a reasonable and seemingly candid conversation about issues in Dist 33. He has an honest approach, shares concerns about housing, development, waterfront access and the environment and appears to be intelligent and thoughtful, and is deserving of serious consideration. (I think the NYT may have picked Simon because she is the only woman [and with solid experience] among a group of men who do look alike…alas!) I’d like to see a run-off between Thies and Simon!

  • Tamster

    I have met a few of the candidates, and I have to say that I am most impressed with Doug Biviano. He seems to genuinely care about the neighborhood and is very passionate about enacting change to better the community.

    Good luck to all the candidates.

  • simon rosenberg

    I have met with doug spoke to him a few times even played ball with him and i can tell you one thing that doug is here to fight for us and cut the crap out of the city council, we don`t need those people who splash money into their campaign to get people to vote for them, honesty is reality, and that is why doug is running for city council. vote for doug for great results !

  • jane Chamberlin

    Stephen Levin brings a fundamental integrity which is rarely seen in today’s American

  • Real Reform Brooklyn


    Haaaaaaaaaaaaaa! That is really great to wake up too. Thanks for the laugh.


  • Real Reform Brooklyn

    Also, be sure to check out our new post on Jo Anne Simon: Ineffective Reformer.

    Keeping It Real

  • nabegirl

    The Thies campaign is soooo disorganized. I have received my 4th phone call from them – invitation to a fundraiser, volunteering, etc. I am a strong supporter and have volunteered for Doug Biviano’s campaign and have said the same thing every time they have called. Then last night, I got a buzz at my apartment – Thies campaign calling – who do I plan to vote for. Either they really want my vote or they are unbelievably disorganized. What a waste of effort!!!

  • Betty Lester

    Steven Levin is the most sincire, honest, considerate candidate in all of the 33rd district. Unlike those that make empty promises to get your support, and then you never see them again….GO STEVE…THE BEST MAN FOR THE DISTRICT!!!
    Enough of dirty politics as usual in the City Council.

  • J Matthew Buzby

    Steve keep it going!!!!!!

    P.S RRB milk is the drink of choice in our house not Kool Aid!!!!!
    Don’t waste your money on the stock.!!!!!!!

  • Real Reform Brooklyn

    Wow, Thies is still going for you?

    Seems like they have the most hussle to turn out the vote.


  • nabe girl

    RRB – Don’t you think its a bit silly to keep going after someone who has expressed their support and commitment to another candidate? I think it shows a lack of organization within the campaign.

  • J Matthew Buzby

    Steven Levin is who to vote for. !!!!!!

  • Real Reform Brooklyn

    Nabe Girl:

    We will see…we will see. This race is just too close to call. We all agree on that.


  • Doug Biviano

    Dennis Kucinich and his lovely wife will be at my storefront on 89 Montague Street Saturday (tomorrow) at 11am. Please join us as I receive his endorsement.