Brooklyn Heights Resident Beats the Heat

The Daily News has a story today about how home cooks are beating the heat, featuring a Brookyn Heights resident:

NY Daily News: “If you turn on the oven, it’s tough,” said K.J. Dinnhaupt, a decorative arts graduate student whose 275-square-foot Brooklyn Heights apartment can quickly turn into a sauna.

While some Brooklyn residents admit they fall back on old standbys like tuna fish sandwiches and mac and cheese from the box, others get far more creative.

Dinnhaupt’s beat-the-heat solution is boiling frozen shrimp in the microwave and topping them with a mix of diced cucumber, Greek yogurt and mint from his window-box garden.

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  • nabeguy

    At a quick glance, I thought this was a follow-up story to the Blue Diamond one.

  • nabeguy

    Aw, shucks Jane, thanks. Myopia and mirth work well together sometimes.