Democratic NYC Council candidate (D33)/ Brooklyn Heights resident Doug Biviano announced today that he is starting a petition to provide a temporary playground for P.S 8 kids. They’ll be losing their current school yard due to an expansion project announced earlier this year.
And as election year attention getting ploys go, this one doesn’t seem like such a bad idea. In an email sent out today, Biviano writes:
The children at PS 8 in Brooklyn Heights are set to lose their school yard to construction this coming fall for two years, while nearby Squibb Park remains unused. As a PS 8 parent, I know this is unacceptable, so I drafted a petition asking the city to make Squibb Park safe and available for PS 8 students to use as an interim school yard for outdoor recess and phys. ed. space.
Biviano has posted a petition on his website and is asking anyone supporting his idea to sign it.