City Council Member Proposes “Bill of Rights” For Communities Affected by Film Shoots

Mary Frost of the Brooklyn Eagle reports that City Council Member Inez Barron, whose district includes East New York and New Lots, has introduced a bill that

would create a community and media Bill of Rights, with the aim of producing clear and consistent guidelines for production companies. The bill would provide rules regarding parking, safety, sanitation and communications.

She has introduced a second bill that

would create a seven-member task force to mitigate the negative economic impact of film and television production on local communities. At least two members of this task force would be business owners working in a neighborhood affected by a high volume of film shoots. The task force would review complaints made to 311, take an economic survey, encourage temporary and permanent job opportunities and more.

Thanks to reader Andrew Porter for the tip.

Image: Mattbr [CC BY 2.0 (]

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  • TeddyNYC

    I hope it goes through.

  • Eddyde

    Kind of a weak approach IMHO. We need stronger regulations and limitations on the film crews. Meager “Guidelines” aren’t going to do jack. But I guess it’s a start.