
While we detect a slight case of schadenfreude from the LA Times in today’s article about bedbugs in New York City, it does mention a Heights resident:

LA Times: It’s Hard to Sleep Tight in New York: When Bonnie Friedman first heard about New York’s burgeoning bedbug problem, she felt lucky to live in an upscale neighborhood.”I remember thinking, ‘I’m so glad I live in Brooklyn Heights. I will never get a bedbug,’ ” Friedman said. Her first bite came a few weeks later.
And as many others have learned, getting rid of the tiny intruders is often a months-long odyssey that requires equal parts detective work, obsessive-compulsive cleaning strategies and emotional healing.

“People in New York are used to cockroaches, where you have the exterminator come once but it doesn’t lay siege to your life,” said Friedman, a professor at New York University. “This does. Having them turns your life upside down.”

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