Tag Archives | School Chancellor

NYC School’s Chancellor Richard Carranza Steps Down

Chalkbeat and the New York Times, among others, have each reported NYC DOE School’s Chancellor Richard Carranza has resigned this past Friday. The embattled Chancellor has faced harsh criticism from parents and teachers alike over the DOE’s handling of the Covid-19 pandemic. But Chancellor Carranza is also widely reported to have clashed both privately and publicly with Mayor DeBlasio […]

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Haves and Have Nots: Elite Brooklyn Private Schools Rake in Millions in Federal Paycheck Aid-DOE Budgets Slashed

Gothamist reports elite Brooklyn Heights private schools are among institutions that received millions from the Federal Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). Private schools are eligible for PPP because they are considered non-profit businesses. According to data released by the Small Business Association, St. Ann’s, Packer Collegiate, Brooklyn Friends, and Brooklyn Heights Montessori all received loans. This money is in […]

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New Principal for PS/MS8, Patricia Peterson to Take the Helm

Great news for P.S./M.S. 8! District 13 Superintendent Barbara Freeman has named Patricia Peterson Principal of the K-8 school. The announcement was made on Wednesday at a special School Leadership Team (SLT) meeting.  “I am thrilled to accept this position and serve our school and the greater District 13 community. I look forward to building on and […]

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Recap: Chancellor Farina District 13 Town Hall

On Tuesday night, the District 13 CEC hosted a Town Hall with School Chancellor Carmen Farina at P.S. 256 Benjamin Banneker School in Bed-Stuy. The Chancellor responded to a series of five “big-topic” questions pre-determined by the CEC (culled from their collective experience, PTA President’s council and public feedback) Parents then had a chance to […]

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