Open Thread Wednesday

What’s on your mind? Comment away!

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  • JSMVine

    I agree that rude fails to capture what’s fully going on. I have not experienced violence (tho the reddit thread listed above implies he has spit at & threatened people which I would qualify as violent) but he’s intentionally/consistently intimidating/cursing at people who refuse his requests.

    To answer your question, I have not called the police. I posted in this thread to better understand what the options are as well as to see if this was a known neighborhood issue and what’s been done in the past, if anything.

    I realize there aren’t easy solutions. That said the current situation seems unacceptable, consistent and potentially volatile.

  • Peter Scott-Thomas

    AND … the danger is probably greatest for this seemingly unhinged individual.

    INCREASINGLY – daily & at a brisk clip – violence of the type visited on the Michael Jackson impersonator last year strikes some as a "reasonable" approach to being hassled or harassed.

    Were he to spit on many a male, bodily harm strikes me as likely. And even in our generally law-abiding nabe, one cannot rule out the possibility that an off-duty cop would "go nuclear."

  • Andrew Porter

    After he muttered to me, "I should kill you," a year or so ago, I did in fact call the police about him.

    He's still there.

  • Fruity

    Hi – anyone using a cheaper internet provider as Spectrum keeps hiking its prices ? So much for competition. thx

  • JSMVine

    That's unacceptable. I'm sure we all have sympathy for the homeless and people with mental health problems but threatening to kill someone, cursing and spitting at people is wrong & dangerous. Any thoughts on what can be done?

  • Peter Scott-Thomas

    You understand the nature of monopolies and duopolies – it's hardly complex – at a sufficient level.

    Coping is tricky, however, if – as most people do – you kind of insist on very fast, reliable & "unlimited."

    If, however, you just hate spending $1K per year and are willing to make some big adjustments – well, they're only big for some people, like those who rely on the internet for entertainment and/or games – it might be that tethering to your cell phone (it's VERY simple) might be the way to go.

    Again, of course, I don't know you & wouldn't dream of "judging you," but we're blessed with 2 good public libraries with decent hours. Yes, it's a BFD to spend hours at one … just because you want the connectivity without the cost, but A and B, above, might save you 90%+ of whatever Spectrum now runs you.

    It's VERY workable for some, and most people would acknowledge that they spend way too much time "connected" and that there are several other reasons to "go on a crash diet" in that connection.

    WNYC used to point out that even generous donors probably spend more each day on coffee. $1,000 – give or take – is (for most of us) a big enough piece of change to make this question more than provocative – "What better use might you have for that sum?"

  • Banet

    I have Verizon FIOS. I pay $39.99 + tax ($42.?? In total) for 25 up/25 down. No phone. No cable.

    And yet they provide 100 up/100 down. In this day and age of gigabit speeds I don’t think they know how to provide something as “slow” as 25/25. 100/100 is plenty fast, even when all 5 of us are on Zoom or some such.

    Being fiber optic instead of cable, my speed is consistent – the usage of my neighbors never slows me down.

    As an added bonus, it’s gone offline maybe twice in the decade plus that I’ve had it and it was back within a few hours.

  • Banet

    I’m the one who started the conversation on public urination (and defecation). And in fact, this person in question is one of those I saw publicly urinate. On the side of Bossert to be specific.

    I did not call the cops because what are they going to do? Arrest him because I claim I saw him urinate an hour earlier? Test the urine for his DNA?

    I’m seriously asking for suggestions.

  • Arch Stanton

    Perhaps you can rally a mob of villagers to gather pitchforks, torches and a length of rope, there must be a suitable tree limb around…
    Or you can simply do what millions of seasoned New-yorkers have done for decades, in countless encounters with countless homeless wackos, IGNORE HIM!

  • Arch Stanton


  • Bornhere

    Do you mean Hicks and Joralemon?

  • winchell’s cavanaugh

    Next time send them to Promenade Montague st entrance and Court and Atlantic for great plaques on the Battle of Long Island