Gristedes Penalized for Polluting Air

“Grosstedes” indeed! As reported by The Eagle’s staff, Gristedes, “owned by billionaire mayoral candidate John Catsimatidis,” has been levied a civil penalty of $400,000 and ordered to spend $13.5 million to bring its refrigeration equipment at its twenty New York City stores, including the one facing Henry Street, up to standard. The grocery chain “admitted fault” in that its defective equipment released “strictly regulated refrigerants” into the air. It has entered into a consent decree under which it must reduce such emissions by more than seventy percent or face “substantial additional penalties.”

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  • Jorale-man

    Good. The city ought to put a little more effort into enforcing the state plastic bag ban too. Two or three years in, I'm still seeing occasional violators (looking at you Bruno's hardware).

  • Effective Presenter

    The plastic bag ban has resulted in an uptick of shoplifting in grocery stores.

  • Arch Stanton

    John Catsimatidis also has a radio program, pushing rightwing propaganda. No surprise his markets violate environmental laws, are dirty and a ripoff.