Open Thread Wednesday

What’s on your mind? Comment away!

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  • JaneonOrange

    Son was walking by High Street and rumor is (from a construction worker) the stairs reopen Monday. I will believe it when I see it!

  • Effective Presenter

    We would be happy to pay $$$ for the book.

    At this time Eight Years only available via kindle we are searching for a hard copy.

  • Banet

    I never said empty spaces don’t pay taxes. I pointed out that if occupied likely the tenant would pay the taxes. They’re called Triple Net Leases – frequently abbreviated to NNN.

    By leaving the space empty the owner is on the hook for the taxes and I see that as of a year or so ago the taxes were just over $100,000 annually.

  • Peter Scott-Thomas

    I thought you were kidding – and I still think you may be…. I guess that the $136 edition you can get from Amazon or direct from some other seller is not of interest.

    If you want to READ IT – as opposed to "owning a copy," the Internet Archive appears to make that possible, … for a total price of $0.00. CAUTION: There are people who feel that this website is "Steal This Book" actualized. I know that that argument is altogether tenable, but I'm inclined to think that the author – living or dead – might understand that with his book essentially "out of print," this "virtual library" is not really picking his pocket as much as giving you your only real chance to interact with him.

  • Banet

    I know that on occasion someone comes and takes most the books all at once. Either they’re mentally ill and their home is floor to ceiling books (in which case I feel badly for them) or more likely, they’re taking the books to donate for the tax deduction (in which case they’re being selfish but at least the books are still doing good in the world).

    I suspect it’s the latter because it’s never ALL the books that are gone – the most tattered and weirdest and most toddler-oriented are left behind. In other words, exactly what Housing Works would reject. Ah well.

    But it doesn’t bother me (too much) because for the once every few weeks that I see the library go from completely full to all but stripped bare on a matter of hours? I much more often – multiple times a day – see a parent stop with their stroller and take a book or two to put in the hands of an excited toddler or I see a 20-something pull out a novel they find appealing. So often I see people just plain excited by the mere *presence* of the library, so that creation of a moment of happiness is a win in my book.

  • gc

    Can you tell whether those tax payments are up to date?

  • Karl Junkersfeld

    On Amazon they want $134 for the Hardcopy.

    Oh yea, and that is USED. hehe

  • Andrew Porter

    The Mulberry tree at the corner of Henry and State Streets is in full fruiting mode. Stop by and pick a few—they're sweet and tart!

  • Arch Stanton

    It is a tax shelter, the owner has other properties and can write this one off as a loss. So $3.3M of taxes, he doesn't have to pay.

  • Arch Stanton

    I heard the owner was a serious A-hole. Apparently, numerous people started negations on the space and backed out because the guy is impossible to deal with. It might be that simple but now I think it's an act because he wants to keep it vacant and use it as a write-off.

  • Arch Stanton

    Partially true. Yes, SB was fighting with the LL over the roof, then the other space became available. Since the new location is much better, more foot traffic, it made sense to move.

  • MaggieO

    There's an opening date for Foodtown on Clinton/Joralemon – June 7th

  • Peter Scott-Thomas

    Cadman Stairs to A/C NOW re-OPENed! (Verified visually – by people entering that way.)

  • clarknt67

    You mean high street station is open again?

  • clarknt67

    It shouldn’t be. We all save money where we can. Don’t have them but I understand kids can be quite a money pit to keep entertained these days.

  • clarknt67

    It was Arch I was replying to, this: “So $3.3M of taxes, he doesn't have to pay.”

  • Arch Stanton

    I'm not saying a vacant property becomes exempt from paying property taxes. However, a vacant property can be claimed as a loss, that can be written off the owners corporate and personal taxes. The amount of shch loss can be significant given he's claiming a potential rental income of $30K a month! Unlike most business losses that can only be claimed for a few years, property losses can be claimed indefinitely. Yes this is a loophole that should be plugged.