Open Thread Wednesday

What’s on your mind? Comment away!

Photo: Martha Foley

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  • Arch Stanton

    Yeah but it went up to a quarter then all the payphones disappeared…

  • Arch Stanton

    Yes it was a memorial for Mark Blincheck (sp?) His family owned all the buildings abutting that yard. Tragically, he passed away from a heart attack, in his mid 30’s.
    The family used to vend Christmas trees from the “Big Lot” as it was called.

  • MaggieO

    I don’t have a solution. How about just complaining on blogs more, will that work? Do you have any wise ideas?

  • Arch Stanton

    Short of shooting them on sight? No, and I imagine that solution would be frowned upon.

  • RickP

    I would be fine with a motorized free for all on the sidewalks if I didn’t fear having a 6 year old asking me why it’s called a “sidewalk”, since it’s now part of the street and it isn’t restricted to walking.

    More seriously, as one of those senior citizens hoping to get comfortably even more senior, I think it should be a real sidewalk. To the side of the motorized traffic and restricted to walking.

  • Mike Suko

    Are there 10,000 “traffic agents” responsible for ticketing? Yes, stopping people on motorbikes and maybe disabling them with a kind of boot would be a much riskier operation, but “hazard pay” would probably enable quick staffing. They could easily determine whether this is a repeat offender and – with some enabling leg. – take some vehicles “off the road.”

    How ’bout a squad car with a radar gun on the speedway opposite the post office?!

    You think all these “new Americans” have NY drivers licenses? Insurance?

    Delivery people DEFINITELY are a big part of the problem, because they’re “programmed” to shave as many seconds off as they can, and using sidewalks accomplishes that on places like Cadman Plaza where following traffic rules WOULD add 10-30 seconds to a delivery, and riding in the street against the traffic puts THEM at risk. It’s 2022, and although GrubHub is coining money, they claim that they have NO control over their personnel.

    I’m guessing that they WOULD “curb” criminal delivering if it impacted THEIR bottom line.

  • Brixtony

    My god ! You are clueless. And rude!

  • Arch Stanton

    Or over your head.

  • Effective Presenter

    We had NOT known MTA is corrupt or super corrupt.

  • Effective Presenter

    That remark is uncalled for you should be above vulgar name calling.

    In these difficult times respect toward others who may have different opinions must remain in tact

    Fare Evasion, crime in the subway by fare evaders are a BIG concern y”all can NOT ride for free.

  • Effective Presenter

    You made a great point thank you for your post.

  • Brixtony

    Typical tRump’ite response. Since you’re so advanced in the science of human behavior maybe you should explain it to those of us who are not up to you’re clearly high intellectual levels. Or is it just high?

  • Brixtony

    Projecting again?

  • Brixtony

    You seem to be clearly enjoying these mass debates.

  • cool
  • aeshtron

    I am really embarrassed about anonymously writing a ridiculous sarcastic comment on the internet!

    In 2022 trolls don’t only live under bridges. They thrive online, in anonymity, where they create content that ranges from silly to malicious.

  • StudioBrooklyn

    Coming WAY back to this after being away/busy. And wow, this got heated, huh.

    I’m going to just drop a few interesting pieces of reading. I’ve lost enthusiasm for debating this with you, not for lack of respect, but because at the end of the day neither of us have a pony in this race anymore.

    Andrew, please consider leaving police out of your interactions with neighbors; they tend to escalate and exacerbate problems, not solve them. Everyone else, please don’t lynch Andrew.

  • Arch Stanton

    LOL, You start with the ad hominem comments, then make slanderous accusations without offering any proof. So, I’ll offer that as evidence, I am more level headed and gentlemanly, than you!
    If you have a cogent point to make against anything I have said, please enlighten us. Otherwise, it is you who sounds like a tRump’ite.
    FYI, I did not vote for trump, I disapprove of his “policies” and think he and his followers are imbeciles.

  • Arch Stanton

    There it is, the desperate “Troll” comment. Anything I said silly or malicious, please explain? Or maybe its just I say things that challenge your beliefs that you cannot refute.

  • aeshtron

    Trolling isn’t my preferred fishing method but it is effective.

    I self identify as a troll as I anonymously post silliness on the internet for my amusement and I sometimes troll rips IRL for fat linesides ; )

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