Open Thread Wednesday

What’s on your mind? Comment away!

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  • CassieVonMontague

    You can apply to vote by absentee here:

    Everyone is eligible because of the potential of contracting the virus. The primary is June 23.

    Fill out the census, too, please:

  • RD H

    Here’s a link to the NYS dashboard on progress towards reopening. Three of 10 regions qualify for phase 1 and another three are very, very close. NYC meets what might be the toughest criteria: sustained declines in cases/deaths and testing/tracing capacity. Our challenge is to get the hospitalization rate down by about a 1/3 of what it is now which should, over time, free up hospital bed and ICU capacity. That would get us to 7/7.

    Phase 1 is resumption of some manufacturing, landscaping, agriculture and curbside retail. Not sure we’ll se a huge difference in NYC but Phase 2 is where it gets interesting with some office reopenings. The state’s discipline, transparency and the evident work it took to put this together is pretty impressive.

  • CassieVonMontague

    Mayor announced Joralemon Street will be an open street starting tomorrow (Thursday, May 14).

  • Andrew Porter

    So, the only access street from the Heights for those living in Brooklyn Bridge Park will be denied to drivers, eh? I see it’s only from Hicks to Furman, though.

  • Andrew Porter

    Excellent deserted-Promenade photo, Claude!

    For those who are missing the annual Bluebell display at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden (now closed to the public) here’s my photo of a bunch of the flowers, unexpectedly flowering next to the house on the SW corner of Hicks and Pierrepont:

  • Teresa

    Shout-out to Dellarocca’s and Sebastian, the incredibly helpful man who helped me there last night. I ordered a pizza to pick-up, had a sudden change in plans, and called right back to ask if I could pick it up an hour later than I’d originally said. Sebastian was not only incredibly gracious, but he called me 45 minutes later to check that I was still on schedule so that my pizza wouldn’t be cold.

    Their always-delicious pizza was ready when I walked in, and the restaurant is selling unbelievably inexpensive bottles of wine…a tremendous experience that I am definitely going to repeat. Thank you to Dellarocca’s and Sebastian!

  • Andrew Porter

    Thanks! Registration was quick and easy. I’ve forwarded the information from the BoE website to numerous people I know in Brooklyn and NYC.

    In 1993, I won a contest by one vote, when my opponent was so sure he would win that he didn’t bother to vote.

  • Cranberry Beret

    I don’t think it’s particularly onerous for through-traffic drivers to detour 2 blocks to Atlantic

  • Curious

    Any idea if cars need to be moved from Joralemon? I didn’t see any signs earlier today when I parked my car there.

  • Arch Stanton

    That means no cars can access Willow Pl, Columbia Pl or the first 2 blocks of State Street, either. Truly idiotic, like all things de Blasio…

  • KBells40

    According to the DOT, “Open Streets are available daily, 8 am to 8 pm…. No through traffic permitted while Open Streets are in effect. Vehicle traffic is limited to local deliveries, pick-ups/drop-offs, necessary city service vehicles, utility vehicles and emergency vehicles only. These drivers are advised to be extremely cautious and to drive 5 MPH or slower.” (source:

  • Arch Stanton

    Okay but de Blasio is still an Idiot.

  • KBells40

    100% agree.

  • Aaron801

    Does anyone know what happened to the Jackie Robinson plaque that was on the outside of TD Bank on Montague? It was such an important event that happened at that location (Jackie signing w the Dodgers) and the plaque sparked many great conversations. I walked by the other day and it was gone! Not sure if it was taken down, stolen, out for cleaning etc — but it commemorated an important part of the neighborhood. Not the most important issue we face right now — but would nice to have it back!

  • Banet

    He’s still an idiot because this is a stupid street to open up. It’s too steep for kids to play on and too bumpy to do anything but twist an ankle.

    I suppose unclogs sidewalks of people heading to and from the park though…

  • Banet

    It’s one way downhill. So it’s not cutting off Furman residents from getting to the neighborhood. It cuts off their return. But really, how many of them were driving to Montague Street?

  • KBells40

    Yes re: BBP, but as for it being stupid, maybe not… think about it… by shutting down that stretch of Joralemon, it also makes Columbia & Willow & the stretch of State up to Hicks pretty much cut off, essentially giving us a couple of extra blocks of (relative) traffic-free space that is more conducive (i.e. less steep and bumpy) for play, etc.

  • KBells40

    Bklyner looked into it earlier this year:

  • Claude Scales

    Thanks, Andrew.

  • Claude Scales

    Sebastian is the best!

  • Teresa

    I hadn’t been to Dellarocca’s in a while, and their pizza was EXACTLY what I needed/wanted after a hectic, frustrating afternoon. I’d love to let the owner know how great he was– do you have contact info?

  • StudioBrooklyn

    I don’t agree that he’s an idiot. He is, however, a two-timin’, double-crossin’ silver-fork-tongued no good-doer.

    Like Cuomo, he knows how to use language to appease actual progressives while doing deals entirely with the same antihuman capitalists whose vision exacerbates nearly every hardship we experience as a population.

  • Banet

    Excellent point. A shame they don’t spell that out. Also a shame that there are not larger buildings on those blocks.

    I recommend Love Lane and College Place be added.

  • Arch Stanton

    Okay he’s a phony, idiot.

  • KBells40

    I heard on NY1 this morning that cars don’t have to be moved, but that care should be taken (5 mph) if you need to take your car out while Open Streets is in effect.

  • Remsen Street Dweller

    Are you saying Di Blasio is a “phony idiot” or are you saying Di B is a “phony” and calling StudioBrooklyn an “idiot”?

  • Arch Stanton

    Ah, punctuation error, I meant de Blasio is a phony idiot. No insult to my man Studio B.

  • CJ

    Hi All, I have a 3′ x 3′ oil on canvas painting that I want to give away. It would be perfect for an artist to paint over, or of course used as decoration if you like the design. I have offered it on Nextdoor and Freecycle to no avail. If interested, please post here and we can figure out a way to get it to you. Thanks and I hope this post is not considered inappropriate to this forum.

  • CassieVonMontague

    Dellarocco’s and Sahadi’s are two local businesses that have made this experience easier for me and my family.

  • Reggie

    Can you give a short summary? The link takes me to a page with “Read more” button that doesn’t do anything. Thanks!