Open Thread Wednesday

What’s on your mind? Comment away!

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  • Jorale-man

    I like it. As long as they don’t look ready to give you more trouble than you bargained for.

  • aconcernedneighbor

    So much appreciation goes out to everyone who puts this blog together. I would vote for them on a “Best of BH” poll!

  • Mike Suko

    I asked. Apparently, a number of “regulars” there felt that the name was sexist, and the powers that be felt that they were right enough to put that horrid looking “band aid” on. In that this is – last I looked, yesterday – part of a small “chain,” it’ll be interesting how it plays out. “Branding” isn’t a fleeting concept – although the “parent company” apparently is somewhat open to local “coloration” – most of the other “Jo(e) Coffees” do not serve ice cream.

  • StudioBrooklyn

    The BHB used to do this, until maybe—what, Claude?—five or six years ago. Around December there would always be a “Best of Brooklyn Heights” or something, used to draw comments and nominations by the dozens. One year, two of my nominees made the list!

  • Brixtony

    This has been going on for years when I walk my dog around 10pm. I assume it’s a fraternity or something like that. I know that there seem to be consequences or penalties as some guys do laps around the north field.

  • CassieVonMontague

    MTA incompetence led to Borough Hall subway ceiling collapse

    They used the wrong methods to assess the terra cotta.

  • fruitstreets4eva

    This…seems like a troll response. If you go to the Joe website, they have clearly done a rebrand with a new logo at all of their locations. So I’m guessing the temporary “bandaid” is there until the new signage comes in.

  • Brixtony

    Are you serious? Totally bogus. Here’s a link to their new choice of type face etc.

  • StudioBrooklyn

    Ah, I found it:

    There are also other articles in the archives about things like the best townhouses, the best restaurants, etc.

  • Andrew Porter

    If you really want the sound of silence, I note that Vineapple is still closed, and has been for four long months.

    There’s still a light on inside, and stacks of something near the front window, but…

  • Andrew Porter

    I saw a guy dressed as Santa Claus on Pineapple Street today, and it turned out he’d just come from the Danish Christmas Fair on Willow Street.

    I wish I’d known about this before it happened, not just accidentally on the day, sigh…

    Meanwhile, courtesy the Municipal Archives, here’s the NW corner of Atlantic and Court in 1940. Lots of awnings in the years before air conditioning, great ad for Ritz Crackers, and all the overhead wires to power the streetcars (trolleys) on the two streets:

  • Andrew Porter
  • StudioBrooklyn

    Wasn’t Boorish Phone Call Guy the one whose BMW Walter White sets on fire in Breaking Bad? Was Vince Gilligan speaking for all of us?

  • Mike Suko

    I stand corrected. Thank you for your diligence. As I read about the role that coffee emporia play in the “gig economy,” I can’t help but wonder if someone has thought about building a business where SPACE is primary and coffee is secondary. I mean “Joe Coffee” and the like are a great place to catch up on emails, but if you were working to launch an ebusiness like Brooklinen, wouldn’t you want a place where a loud someone on a call was genuinely “out of bounds.”

    Maybe, people could essentially rent access to GOOD workspace – very high speed internet for openers – and I’m sure there would be lots of person-to-person networking, too.

  • Arch Stanton

    Aside from that being false, how would their logo be sexist? “Joe” is slang for coffee and also a common truncation of Josephine.

  • Arch Stanton

    Yeah, I guess that rarely happens to me.

  • Jorale-man

    A Daily News op-ed calling for the elimination of the BQE in our neighborhood. Worth reading:

  • Arch Stanton

    “The BQE should stop at the Brooklyn-Battery Tunnel and resume at the Kosciuszko Bridge. In between, traffic should go on city streets”
    Utterly ridiculous, fortunately this crackpot idea doesn’t have the slightest chance of ever coming to fruition.