Open Thread Wednesday

What’s on your mind? Comment away!

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  • Andrew Porter

    The real point is that this would establish a precedent for up-zoning. What happens when someone wants to build a taller structure in, say, the Heights, argues that there is already a legal precedent for it?

  • Andrew Porter

    Yesterday I was on the Promenade, and a guy on his phone was oblivious to the fact that his dog had taken a dump while he stood in conversation. He was prepared to walk away until I pointed out his dog’s contribution to the paving.

  • Andrew Porter

    If you report it to 3-1-1, the city will clean it up.

  • Greg

    Sigh. This stuff is so polarizing.

    When I’m a pedestrian legally crossing the street and seeing cyclists maneuvering past me or riding up the sidewalks, of course I feel no sympathy for them.

    On the contrary, when I’m on a bike legally crossing the street and getting blocked in by mountains of pedestrians jaywalking and paying zero attention to the oncoming traffic they’re getting in the way of, I similarly feel no sympathy for them.

    I wish people could just be more respectful toward each other on all sides.

  • redlola

    actually, they won’t. i called and was told that the department of transportation “does not have it in their contract to remove graffitt from light poles.” there you have it.

  • Sick of dogpoop

    No idea about who he is or his wife. I just hope he cleans up the poop going forward. And hears the message. He is kind of a big guy. Bald. Walks 6 or 7 beautiful dogs at once in a pack. I dont want to impact his livelihood but this whole nabe is one dog poop stain after another. No one curbs anymore. And to just leave it really selfish.

  • Teresa

    I’m going to guess that a majority of the drivers know exactly where the lanes go and are just trying to save a few minutes. Would be great if the far right lane was only for cars headed to Old Fulton/BQE and the center lane only for CPW and Middagh…but that seems unlikely.

  • Teresa

    Oops, just saw this. Should have just said, “ditto.”

  • bklyn84

    The BHA made your argument and it was discussed and rejected:

    “….the unique characteristics of
    the subject site and mixed-use programming, including retail, office and housing, including
    affordable housing, would make the proposed bulk envelope uniquely appropriate at this location. This action is a single rezoning, and other sites in Downtown Brooklyn would need to be evaluated
    on an individual basis for whether the same density would be appropriate.

    CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, September 7, 2016
    Calendar No. 12 C 160030 ZMK”

  • StudioBrooklyn

    Yes. For whatever it’s worth I have a similar frustration exiting the BQE at Cadman Plaza West/Old Fulton, but in reverse: far too many motorists stay in the exit lane and then block the exit trying to merge back into the throughway.

  • Concerned

    I hear you about hurting someone’s lively hood. But in actuality, he needs to play by the rules. If not, he’s hurting himself and our neighborhood. Thanks.

  • Diesel

    I know who you are talking about, it must have been an oversight in his part, he’s usually very responsible on these matters.

  • Greg

    Would authorities object if we did it ourselves?

  • Andrew Porter

    Brownstoner posted nice photos of Joralemon Street, “near the Hudson River,” as one confused tourist wrote:

  • Andrew Porter

    If it’s on the NE corner and you tell the front desk at the St. George Tower (111 Hicks Street) I suspect they might act.

  • StudioBrooklyn

    I heard the same thing: sort of a corner on the neighborhood dog walking market. Nice people though.