B.P. Adams Disapproves Library Plan, With Conditions

The Eagle reports that Borough President Eric Adams has “dissproved with conditions” the proposed redevelopment of the site of the Brooklyn Heights Branch of the Brooklyn Public Library. Among the conditions he has included in his recommendation are that the new library have as much public space as the old one, including the space of the Business Library; that affordable housing be included at the library site, and that an elementary school be included in the new structure.

The Borough President’s views are not binding, but are taken into account in the Uniform Land Use Review Procedure. The matter will next be considered by the City Planning Commission, and the ultimate decision will be made by the City Council and Mayor. However, the views of local elected officials are usually given strong consideration.

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  • Andrew Porter

    Congregation built it when they moved there from Sands Street when its old home was torn down for approaches to building the Manhattan Bridge. Had a great rose window. Eventually new church was torn down and replaced by deco building there now. You can see photos of it on the walls inside the restaurant at the corner of Clark and Henry.

  • HereToStay

    Huh? How am I practicing class warfare? There is really something wrong with you… YOU are the one who is against folks with money, I am not against anyone – regardless of how much money they have in the bank. What a sad life you must have: sitting at home angry at anyone that has more than you…

  • heights res

    Since you obviously have no idea about who I am or what I have and you seem to be primarily interested in name calling and getting the last word, have at it……

  • heights res

    Thank you

  • Brixtony

    OK brilliant political thinkers (DIBS & HTS). I don’t hate the wealthy. Some of my best friends are wealthy and I’m hardly poor. Read carefully; think trust fund babies, hedge fund parasites and people who make money by manipulating the economy. I’m left of liberal, male and completely understand the terms I used, which were picked intentionally. Finally, though quite disappointed with Obama, he hardly “begged” for votes in 2008. How about some actual arguments rather than insults and specious speculation from the nattering nabobs of negativity that populate this comments section?

  • HereToStay

    Thanks. One piece of advice for a happy life: look in the mirror more often…

  • HereToStay

    Ummmm. Obama BEGGED for votes in a way unlike we have ever seen in our lives. They pulled out every stop and used every tactic possible to plead with the public to vote for change. Jeez — it is just unreal how some of the users of this blog refuse to allow anyone to have an opinion if it does not agree with theirs.

  • Brixtony

    That’s called running for office -y’know – policy and stuff like that. As to your hysterically self-serving final comment: spoken like a true hypocrite, unless you were referencing your posts and those of a couple of other angry, intolerant “users”.

  • HereToStay

    Oy. That’s all. Just, “Oy.” Says it all. Enjoy.

  • Brixtony

    There you go again. It’s so much easier not to actually defend your opinions. So…what is the “opinion” that I’m “refusing to allow you” to express? Or, like typical authoritarian types (Christie, Trump, Jindal, Walker. et al) you have a fundamental problem with dissent, reality and truth. Oy, Go for it.

  • Brixtony

    He (?) is sounding more and more like a Trump’ite. Well known huh? Prove it.

  • Brixtony

    Very defensive about moneyed folks. Sees oppression everywhere. Yet seemingly unable of ever making a cogent argument or back up anything with details or facts. Hmmm.

  • HereToStay

    Brixy, Brixy: leave it alone… There are hundreds of people in the Heights of sound mind and body. There are only a few souls here you are speaking to… Less that are listening.

  • Brixtony

    Poor baby – can’t take it, huh? Still waiting for one response from you that isn’t “us versus them”. You’ve done it again.

  • HereToStay

    Boy you really are insane. What are you on about, lady? You sound like a loon – and must be considering your posts. Have a great day! Have some tea – may calm you a bit.

  • Brixtony

    Ok. This is getting tiresome. However, I will be watching your communications carefully to make sure that you adhere to your high principles concerning civility, tolerance and respect for others.
    Ps: I’m still male.

  • Hudson Hornet

    Let’s say everything you say is true (a lot is especially better facilities for veterians)
    What do we do about it? The blog is full of complaints.

    It’s the Heights wailing wall.

    What we need is viable, practical actions we can take to fix or help with the worsening conditions now at play.

    So what do we do about what’s happening

  • William Gilbert

    And you are obviously a smug, sanctimonious right wing SOB who seems to worship money more than anything. You are always chucking out right wing one liners and talking points and it is really getting tiresome. We don’t care about your hat, car or politics. Thank goodness you can’t vote here.

    Glad you’re in Bucks County, PA, but have to admit feeling sorry for the folks there. Isn’t there a Bucks County Blog you can haunt? Too bad there isn’t a residency requirement to post on this blog. It’s our neighborhood, library, Borough President and tax dollars, not yours. So butt out!

  • mlcraryville

    Group action through the BHA is the only viable course of action. While flying the BHA’s flag you can tackle the local electeds and all the powers.
    It’s true that the BHA has lost some important battles but it also has a record of many,many years of success in helping the Heights maintain its character. Iis positioned to rally the community strength needed to fight for a reasonable building which can provide the library services it needs. And it can help achieve that goal in an aesthetically appropriate building. Let’s all urge the BHA to move aggressively in this fight of the decade.