Tale of the Tweets: Brooklyn Heights Association Annual Meeting 2015

It was really cold out Tuesday night and BHA Annual Meeting also found itself competing against the season finale of Master Chef Junior and the series finale of Parks and Recreation. So, if you’re asking where all the “youngs” were there’s your answer.

The meeting was held at Grace Church and featured guest speaker Justin Davidson, archtecture critic for New York Magazine and author of the upcoming book Magnetic City. He’s also a dude we’d like to have about 10 beers with some time.

It was also the final BHA Annual Meeting with Judy Stanton as the organization’s executive director. We cannot thank Judy enough for her friendship and support over the years. She will be missed. However, we hope she has a retirement that rivals that of Jimmy Carter.

And now the Tale of the Tweets:

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  • Andrew Porter

    Turns out BHA’s Irene Janner is leaving in 2016, not 2015, so there will be several months of continuity while she breaks in replacement for Judy. Nice sitting next to you, Homer, with Claude on t’other side. Biggest unreported story: it was *Freezing* during meeting. Judy told me later the church is working on the heating system, and vents to outside were left open. Glad I wore lots of layers!

  • CHatter

    I was sorry to miss the meeting. Was there further discussion about replacing the cobra street lights with the Bishops Crook lights north of Remsen?

  • http://selfabsorbedboomer.blogspot.com ClaudeScales

    Indeed there was. One of the community service awards went to the City DOT for helping to implement the project by approving the use of LED instead of incandescent bulbs in them. No word on how long it will take to complete the project, but it is being done.