Car Jumps Curb on Remsen Street

This dispatch via Twitter from a Brooklyn Heights resident regarding a car jumping the curb on Remsen Street this evening:

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  • Elaine Rendon

    That’s crazy. I moved from Remsen St one year ago. I live on Montague now. Glad no one was hurt

  • petercow

    Damn bike lanes.

  • Mini_Cooper

    No bike lane on Remsen Street.

  • Quinn Raymond

    Infuriating, and it brings to mind past tragedies. Our Electeds really must make tightening the laws around reckless driving more of a priority.

  • Solovely

    maybe some of the areas with so so many pedestrians should have some speed bumps? I think some cars in the heights driving exceed 45 mph.. at times. its crazy.


    I’m the person on the sidewalk who was almost hit, so eyewitness account here. Had nothing to do with bike lanes or speeding. Driver was stopped when traffic light changed, people behind started to honk. Then car lurched forward with a big rev of engine and jumped sidewalk. Two cars behind happened to be a fire department ambulance, so ambulance turned on their flashing lights, pulled over and EMT asked if driver was alright. Driver got out — she was about 18 years old — and said “I’m so sorry. I’m a new driver, and I just freaked out.”

  • Jorale-man

    Interesting – though I assume you meant stop sign, not traffic light (there are none going east on Remsen from Hicks). Glad you’re okay and no one else got hurt.

    Side note: It is rather irritating when crazy drivers honk the second a light changes.

  • Mike

    Um, every intersection on Remsen going east from Hicks has a traffic light. Henry, Clinton, Court. No stop signs.

  • Jorale-man

    Yes, but this incident was on Remsen between Hicks and Henry. There’s no traffic light at Hicks and Remsen. Google Street View:


    Incident was at 92 Remsen, so about three car lengths back from the traffic light at Henry and Remsen. The fact that there is no traffic light at Hicks and Remsen is irrelevant.