B’Record Curious About Henry’s End

The folks over at Brooklyn Record are curious about Game Festival at Henry's End:

We've heard some great things about the Wild Game Festival at Henry's End — a special menu of weird animal meats, ranging from rattlesnake to ostrich to kangaroo to elk — but we've never worked up the nerve to actually try it. (It's not so much that we're afraid of, say, Buffalo Rib Eye with Roasted Corn Sauce, but we're afraid of spending $33.50 on an entree that might be too gamey to really enjoy.) But this wild menu is only served from October through February, so if we're going to try it, we've got to act soon.

Thanks for covering one of our fave spots, guys. We've been curious about the kangaroo on the menu for a while now hope you sample it.

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  • http://www.selfabsorbedboomer.blogspot.com Claude Scales

    My wife and I are long time Henry’s End fans, and have introduced several friends to the place. There is now a group of us who are all on the birthday list, which means that, about a month before your birthday, you get a card allowing you a credit of up to, if I recall correctly, $28 for an entree. Consequently, we all celebrate our birthdays there.

    Over the years, I’ve tried several of their game dishes (though not yet kangaroo, ostrich or rattlesnake), and have never been
    disappointed, with the minor exception of New Orleans turtle soup, which I found to have a bitter edge. I should point out that my tastes may vary from the norm somewhat; for example, I prefer lean grass-fed beef to the heavily marbled feedlot fattened kind. I had a buffalo steak once, not at Henry’s End but at the venerable Keen’s in Manhattan, and liked it very much.

    One dish I like very much at Henry’s End isn’t a game dish, but is only available from time to time as a special. That is salmon Wellington. Like beef Wellington, this is cooked in a flaky pastry shell under which is a layer of rich sauce. A seasonal favorite of mine is soft-shell crab sauteed in Moroccan butter.

    As an additional benefit, there is Bonnie, my nominee for Brooklyn’s best waitress.

  • JPB

    My fiancee and I had the Buffalo Rib Eye right around Thankgiving and it was amazing! We even went back a few weeks later and were very disappointed that it wasn’t on the menu that evening. Of course, we had an alternate entree that was fabulous as well. We’ve never had a bad meal there!