Footnote: Confused on Brooklyn Heights Murder Number

The Community Newspaper Group’s YourNabe website may be trying to be a local news source in tune with “nabes” however a report on the site today manages to contradict itself.

It opens with this salvo:

But other neighborhoods in this northern region of the borough, like Williamsburg, Park Slope and Brooklyn Heights, have all seen increases in murder.

And concludes with this:

Besides the Fort Greene/Clinton Hill area, the only other Downtown Brooklyn precinct to see a decrease in murder was the 84th Precinct covering Brooklyn Heights, DUMBO and Vinegar Hill.

There was one murder last year in this area as compared to two in 2007.

The second statement is correct according to the most recent CompStat data from the NYPD.

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  • nabeguy

    The real crime activity is listed third from the top in the Related Posts section. The DOT is killing us!