Rain Doesn’t Dampen Spirits as Heights Tree is Lighted

A small but enthusiastic crowd came out in a light rain to witness the lighting of the Heights Holiday Tree between the foot of Montague Street and the Promenade. Several dignitaries were in attendance, including Borough President Marty Markowitz (photo), and Heights preservation pioneers Otis Pratt Pearsall and Nancy Pearsall, whose four year old granddaughter, Marilla Hirsch, pulled the switch that turned on the lights. The Rev. Steven Paulikas, Assistant to the Rector of Grace Church, gave the invocation. Afterwards, members of the Grace & Spiritus Chorale sang carols. The event was co-sponsored by the Brooklyn Heights Garden Club and the Montague Street BID.

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  • nabeguy

    In something or a related vein (trees/rain) did anyone notice that the Two Trees Dock Street model in the window of the Brooklyn Eagle was flooded by a leak in the roof? It’s now covered with a plastic tarp to protect it. File that under “Don’t Rain On My Charade!”

  • Will

    Shouldn’t it be “lit”?

  • http://selfabsorbedboomer.blogspot.com Claude Scales

    Some of the people there probably were.

  • joe

    Will I was thinking the same thing. Shouldn’t it be “Lit” any english teachers out there?

  • http://selfabsorbedboomer.blogspot.com Claude Scales

    I found one online. Looks like it’s a tossup.